Monday, October 8, 2012

Monday Monday...Day Five on My Isagenix 30 Day Makeover

Just finished my morning shot and a shake, and need to drink a glass or two of water...cannot believe how much water I am now drinking.  The overcast skies of yesterday are gone, the sun sparking on the last of the dew clinging to the leaves.  Took my camera out on a walk about and snapped a few photographs, sipping my coffee along the path. 
Trying to adjust to the changing feelings inside and outside my body, as well as the paridigm shift in my emotional/mental state of mind that goes along with suddenly having a sudden well spring of energy that seems to be coming from a newly tapped in reservoir, as if at almost 57 I have found the illusive "Fountain of Youth" that so many tales have been written about, heroes unknown always coming close but never quite finding that magic elixar. 
It is all a bit scary (in a good way)...At the beginning of day five of my 30 day quest, so incredible (almost impossible to believe) changes are taking place.
1.  My waist line is down 3 inches from 45-42.
2.  I got on the scale this morning, and my weight is down to 187.6 from 193 pounds.
3.  My appetite is morning routine for decades has been, wake up drink coffee (lots of coffee) and smoke cigarettes...LOTS OF CIGARETTES.  This morning I woke up, and was hungry for my shot and a shake, followed about half an hour later with my Isagenix Natural Accelerator.
4.  Find myself wanting to be meaning I am looking forward today to going for a long walk with my camera, or doing my half hour ride on my stationary bike.
It is odd in a very positive way to be sitting here writing this post thinking to myself, who is this suddenly active man that has taken up residence in my body,
Everyone have a great Isagenix day, and if you find yourself wanting to turn over a new leaf, wanting to lose weight, wanting to rediscover that energy of youth we find ourselves missing, give me a call at (845) 693-4513 and let me share with you my testimony and introduce you to the life benefits of using the Super Food and the Super products of Isagenix that are reshaping the who of me.  Isagenix is not just a company, not just a group of products, but a way of life.

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