Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Surviving Hurricane Sandy...Still No Electric

That Was Some Storm
It is odd...did not see a lot of rain during Hurricane Sandy here, and though saw some gusts of wind, it did not seem bad...up here in the Catskills that is.  Having no TV, devoid of the instant news updates of the devastation downstate, had thought perhaps the news media had over billed the storm with their Frankenstorm comparisons.  Then I woke up to no electric, and began to realize just how bad things were.  Once able to get online (thanks to a inverter purchased at Radio Shack) started seeing just how bad the storm had been.

At this point, being without electric, having to throw away hundreds of dollars in groceries that is slowly going bad in the frig, feel VERY LUCKY.  Used up a few of those groceries to do up a meal that was not in my 30 Day Cleanse regime, but in hard times we do what we have to do.  I have no television, and admit to missing my CNN, but doing pretty well.

Because I had charged up my camera batteries, was able to get out a bit today, though limited in where I could go due to down trees.  Caught a few bird pics, but no pictures of the devastation.  Maybe tomorrow on that front.

For now, just trying to relax and ignore the cabin fever that comes with being almost completely out of touch with the rest of the world...cell phone works, but trying to conserve the battery.  Can run my computer and get on the internet sporadically, and have no TV or Radio....

Everyone be safe, and say a prayer for all those that got hit harder than the rest of us.

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