Tuesday, October 9, 2012

First Day of Deep Cleanse and Tenth Blog Post

It is 7:39 on this brisk fall Tuesday evening, and I am most of the way through what Isagenix calls a Deep Cleanse...the first of two I will do in my 30 day program to getting healthy.  How do I feel one might be tempted to ask, and I would say, "No different than I felt like yesterday, or the day before.
That's not quite true...
Surprisingly, a tiny bit hungry, but not HUNGRY, and sure when I have my fourth and final glass of the Isagenix Cleanse for Life of the day that my hunger will disipate again.  From a physical body perspective, this first day of my cleanse has not been as hard as I had imagined it to be...well, other than the drinking water part, as I have never been a big consumer of H2O...that said, have to say I am proud of the (so far) six pint glasses of water I have consumed today.  (That is 96 ounces for those wondering.)  I've not had an apple slice yet today, though have had two of the Isagenix chocolate treats so far. 
Managed my bike ride, something I have done five out of the six days since I started on Isagenix.  I've burned at least 160 calories a day in each of those rides, and covered at least 7 miles.  Today's ride was harder, had to push myself to get on the stationary bike and set the machine to its level 4 30 minute weight loss ride, but I did it, and ended up riding 7.1 miles and burning 165 calories.  Difference today from the other days so far...I felt and feel it, the ride sapping me a bit, leaving me feeling more than a bit running on empty.
Mentally and emotionally, it has been a HARD DAY...one has to be committed to the process, and one has to believe in that process, and for those of us early on in our journeys, believing in both the process and the product is one that has to be taken on faith.  On some level, think when we do this DEEP CLEANSE, based on some of the stories we have heard, that we expect it A) to be something very difficult to do, B) that during the process itself we are suddenly going to feel, and perhaps even look different, and as a result of A&B think C) that we perhaps hype ourselves up a bit too much and then when there is not that great burning bush to stare at, that great ah hah moment where we can say, "OMG, I feel so much better" or "OMG, can feel the toxins being stripped away at a cellular level and then that C is not there as a part of the day, it is hard not to feel a bit of a let down, not to see that faith falter a step or two.
Which is when perhaps I had my ah hah moment of the day.  Everyone knows it takes dicipline to accomplish our goals, but where does that dicipline come from?  What I came up with is, "the three D's of discipline theory...well, maybe calling it a theory is a bit presumptious, but when the thought popped into my head I liked it.  Here is the thought...
"Dicipline is the byproduct of our dreams, desires and dedication to a goal."
Too long for a bumper sticker, so thinking maybe express it as a mathematical equation D=d+d+d or the other way around, d+d+d=D.  Not a great bumper sticker, but best I can come up with 3/4 of the way into my first day of DEEP CLEANSE.  Think I will just stick to the Three d's of Disipline and call it a day.
Just quaffed my four and final glass of Isagenix Cleanse for Life and starting on a glass of water...think I can call my first day a success.


  1. Totally wrapping my brain around D+D+D=D. Fun to see how your brain works! The "C" Level "ah-hah" will hopefully happen when you take your measurements, step on the scales, try on that pair of jeans you haven't fit in for a while, pull in your belt a notch or two -- and it lasts! And go for that 7 mile bike ride after you have a shake and Ionix in your system... Keep us posted, OK?

    1. Morning Elisabeth:

      Have officially finished my first Deep Cleanse, that first after cleanse coarsing through my body as it feeds my cells...yes, I was good and avoided temptation.

      I am blown away by the first week results of Isagenix...my weight loss in that week is 11.4 pounds, and though I have not measured lost inches, can already see it when standing in front of the mirror.

      As for my d+d+d=D, glad you are wrapping your brain around it it....So, what is this C Level?
