Monday, October 22, 2012

Just In Time For Holidays...Get Healthy & Earn Money

For those following my Isagenix Journal blog, you know that I am very excited about Isagenix, about being a product of the product...for those who wonder what this means, it means that I tried Isagenix, went on their 30 day cleanse, started using the product, and the incredible changes inside my body, in my energy levels, in amount of weight loss are the (by)product of using the product, thus the phrase, "a product of the product".  The changes that I have seen in less than 20 days astound me.  So much so that I cannot help but tell all of my friends and family about the changes I am experiencing...people are noticing those changes, and this is also giving me an opportunity to share my story, allowing me the opportunity to share what Isagenix can do not just for me, but for those in my life I care about, and at some point one or some of those people are going to say to me, "Sherwood, I want to experience what you are experiencing, SIGN ME UP".  When that happens, my Isagenix business begins to grow, and as those friends and family members start sharing their own stories, the process will repeat itself, and their businesses will start to grow.  


NEW MONEY...In time for Christmas...hear the webinar.

Well, the time to say, "I want in, I want to live a healthier life, and have my own business in the deal" because Isagenix has just added some incredible incentives to those looking to create a new income stream, for those looking to earn extra money in time for Christmas...did I mention you get paid on your Isagenix Debit Card, your earnings deposited to your account each and every Monday?

If you can answer yes too any of these questions, please give me a call.  Sherwood (845) 693-4513 or send me off an email at and start your Isagenix Journey today.

1.  Are you wanting to lose weight?
2.  Are you wanting to rid your body of environmental toxins that we take in just living our lives and breathing the air?  Oh...and the toxins we take in from eating processed foods.
3.  Are you wanting to elevate your energy levels?
4.  Are you wanting to increase your athletic performance?
5.  Are you wanting to introduce your body to the world's best SUPER FOOD?
6.  Are you looking to create a new or second income for yourself or your family?

Are you dialing my number yet?  Sure you answered yes to at least one of these questions, and almost all of us could use some extra income between now and Christmas! 

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