Friday, November 30, 2012

My Isagenix Week in Review

Come Sit For A Spell
Been a hectic week here as I dealt with post accident injuries, and got back into my full Isagenix program as I work toward meeting my November goal of weighing in by December 6th (my two month Anniversary of being on the product, being a product of the product) at or under 175 pounds.  It is going to be a nail biter, but considering the Thanksgiving Holiday and all the eating that normally is a part of that celebration, very happy as I held steady, rather than adding pounds to my frame.  Was very happy at this development, as I usually pack on a few (4-9) pounds from Thanksgiving through that is just TOO TEMPTING to have the leftovers in the frigerator, and pumpkin and pecan pies begging you to just HAVE ANOTHER SLICE...with a glass of milk, even better.
Had my first appointment with the physical therapist this morning...did not feel to good about it, but it is what it is.  My right arm is hurting more after the session than before it, but guess that is normal.  Have an impinged nerve in the neck (I think that is what the therapist was saying) and a problem in the shoulder.  Today only neck work was done, and have stretching exercises I have to do three times a day until my next appointment on Monday.  The good news on all of this...normally, would go into a total decline and pig out on various and assorted comfort foods...being on Isagenix, the desire to reach out for those things, to pile on the pounds is not there...still depressed about the situation, not one that likes persistant pain in my life, but dealing with it all in a very pro-active fashion.
Have spent a lot of time this week working on my marketing plan as I figure out how I want to interact with, and share the magic that is Isagenix with my friends, families and other citizens of the world.  Biggest thing this week I've worked on is working on getting known/seen by a larger audience on Twitter.  I am up over 250 QUALITY followers, and have had some very nice interactions with some of the people.  Downloaded and put Tweetdeck into operation...what a SWEET way to do your tweeting!  If you are on Twitter, seriously encourage you to give this program a test'll be sold...did I mention IT IS FREE.
Just had my morning Isa Shake, and getting anxious to take my December measurements as you can really see some body transformations going butt is smaller, and the Budda Belly, though still there is MUCH SMALLER.  If you are looking to lose weight, are wanting more energy, are wanting to age gracefully I cannot encourage you enough to give Isagenix a try. 

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