Sunday, November 25, 2012

Alcohol...Did You Know?

How many of us go out for a special dinner, or have guests in and start off the festivities with a cold beer, cocktail, or a glass of wine?  With dinner, we have a bottle wine, or maybe another drink, and then after dinner cordials with our coffee and desert.  Maybe that is not such a good least for those of us who are working on losing weight, participating in the Isagenix Body Challenge.
Did you know...
Alcohol has zero nutritional value, only empty calories
Alcohol cannot be stored in the body in any form (fat, glycogen, amino acids etc).
So when a individual drinks alcohol, their body uses the alcohol as its main energy source, STORES any additional calories they consume. Break it down...what does this mean in simple English...If you drink with your meal, the calories in food will  be stored rather than burned off as energy.
This is why you might develop a beer belly – from food you are eating while your body is busy metabolising the alcohol!
With all the parties and opportunities to imbibe between now and the New Year, this is something to keep in mind when you think about having that second, or third drink.  Remember...Water is Life!

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