Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Should Santa Claus Be On Isagenix and In Isagenix Body Challenge?

Santa Needs a Energy BOOST
Jolly old St. Nicklaus, or Santa Claus is a merry old soul with a bag full of goodies and toys.  You have to love Santa's sleigh and eight reindeer, not to mention perhaps tens of thousands of elves working tirelessly all year long for Christmas about a major potential down line, and that does not count those lists he has been making now for how many decades?  Can you imagine how fast he could go executive...some of those elves are pretty plumb themselves. 
All this aside, lets face it...Santa has a serious weight problem...guessing here from some of the Christmas Cards, postcards and pictures I have seen, this Saint has to be tipping the scale at 350 maybe even 400 pounds.  All those cookies, cakes and glasses of milk, and guessing he might have some other health issues as well.  I can so see him as a member of the Isagenix 100 Pound club speaking at the NYKO event!  How cool would that be?  Santa trotting out onto the stage with his eight reindeer weighing maybe 220 pounds and talking to everyone about just how much he enjoys his morning and afternoon IsaLean shakes...what a testimonial that would be.
Might be wrong here, but guessing dear old Saint Nick would be a shoe in to win the Isagenix Body Challenge once he was dedicated to being a product of the product.   Who could resist a jolly old man with rosy cheeks, twinkling eyes, a great head of hair, and that laugh which is so contagious!  Can't you see him coming out onto stage followed by his eight reindeer, his sleigh full of wonderful Isagenix goodies and treats for everyone in the audience?  The standing room only crowd chanting, "SANTA, SANTA, SANTA".
One thing is for sure...Right or left, I would want Santa in my down line!

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