Monday, December 10, 2012

New Cancer Isa Survivor's Support Group Forms On Facebook

Candace...Founder...IsaSurvivors Group
Cancer is something I am intimately familiar with in my life...I've not been stricken with it, but know its face all too intimately.  Cancer changes people, changes families and too often the battle fought by many, as gallant as that battle was is a battle lost, a life a soul taken from us too soon. 
Five days ago I saw a post in one of the Isa groups from one Candace Tweady Woods who was wanting to start a Isa support group for cancer patients, their families, friends and caregivers. 
There is one beautiful thing about cancer...everyone who's life it has ever touched is part of a very large extended family.  You can be sitting alone all by yourself in the waiting room while your loved one is in surgery, and someone will come over and sit beside you and start up a conversation, give you words of encouragement telling you it is all going to be just fine.  I've been on both sides of that coin, both giving and recieving those words so desparately needed in that time of darkness.  As someone who has been touched by cancer, Candace's idea of starting such a support group brought tears to my eyes...I wanted it to happen, wanted to see a group formed where people could come for support, or to vent, even just to cry through their own written words.
Woke up Saturday morning, and as I always do, after pouring my morning coffee went online to check Facebook only to find that the group had gone from dream into reality.  So, a special thank you to Candace Tweady Woods for providing members of the Isagenix family whose lives have been touched by cancer a very special place all their own.  It is a closed group on Facebook, but if you have had your life touched by cancer, if you are looking for a group of caring, loving people that understand because they have walked your walk, please visit the group and request to join.


  1. hi friends .i hope u will come good, i have an child with name wilson . he is suffering from i please request u to donate
    any small amount or share this information with your family and friends.
    for more information please visit the web link.
