Saturday, November 17, 2012

Life and Isagenix Is About Giving Back, Paying Forward

Network marketing was always one of those things I saw in a negative light, something I associated with phrases like pyramid scheme...then one day I had an epithany...every product sold is sold through network marketing in some fashion or another.  If Walmart  has a camera for sale on Black Friday, and your friend knowing you are looking for that camera too give as a gift tells you about the sale, isn't that networking/network marketing?  If you rave about your new car to a friend and they go out and buy the same vehicle based upon your personal recommendation, isn't that network marketing? 
It was/is this epithany that has allowed me to go beyond  embracing the product that is Isagenix, to embracing it as a business that I want to be involved short, this epithany has seen me taking my first steps as a network marketer, though in many ways I have been a network marketer most of my life, but for others, rather than for myself.
As I've taken my first steps into this new world known as network marketing, realizing other truths, such as the very real fact that my own success is completely dependent upon me helping others...sharing my truth, introducing others to Isagenix by sharing my own testimony, my own story of becoming a product of the product, and then once someone says "I want to be a part of that", helping them become successful in their dreams and goals.  In short, it is about giving back by paying forward, giving others the helping hand up that is so generously being given to me by everyone I have met in Isagenix (both in real life, and in the various Isagenix Facebook groups).
As in most of life, you get out of network marketing what you put into it, and there is no room for selfishness in giving back by paying forward.

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