Sunday, November 4, 2012

A Beautiful Sunday...Hard to Believe A Hurricane Was Here

After The Storm
Spring forward, fall back...daylight savings time has arrived signalling a too soon winter all but knocking on our doors as those states hit so hard by Hurricane Sandy worry about a Nor'easter that could hit us this upcoming Wedneday.  Looking out my window on this crisp fall day, the sun shining ever so bright, the remaining leaves bright and inviting it is hard to believe just a few days ago our area was SLAMMED with a major hurricane dubed by some as Frankenstorm.
It is during these times that man's humanity to man comes shining through, examples of our generosity evident in abundance from neighbors helping neighbors, to marathoners in New York deciding to stay over the weekend to lend helping hands after the New York City Marathon was cancelled for this year.   If only we could find a way to have such generosity of heart the norm in society, rather than the exception that comes out in times of disaster.
Hurricane Sandy has once again like so many disaster before it reminds us all that we are mere humans and no match for Mother Nature and her immense power when she decides to bring the brute force to bear against our also reminds us to be thankful for what we have, reminds us to be thoughtful and concerned about all those who directly and indirectly are involved in our lives...think the six degrees of separation. 
In my own small hamlet (we are a small group of people in downtown Mountaindale) we all pitched in, dealt with the crisis at hand by pulling together, pooling our resources and supplies so that we all got through the storm with as little impact as possible.  Kelsey and Mark's kitchen became the hub of what one can only call a village.  Cooking and a few Coleman lanterns for light kept the cold nights at bay, their small apartment warm, welcoming and cozy.  Judd who lives upstairs from our only local bar went out during the power outage in search of ice, returning home with eight bags full when he got lucky and saw an ice truck pulling into a convenience store miles from home.  Others took their chain saws and went out in search of wood, clearing roads and bringing home some much needed firewood for the fire ring out in the backyard, the evening campfires lifting peoples spirits.
The storm was harsh, but through community, everyone made it through, and now with the electric back on and life returning to normal we all have recieved a special gift...we all know and appreciate each other a bit more now than before the storm.
Time to grab my camera and go for a nice long walk on this beautiful day after the storm.

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