Saturday, November 3, 2012

After The Storm...Getting Back On Track

This horse had no clue Sandy paid a visit.
For many of us, it has been a very difficult week, Hurricane Sandy pushing us to the limits, and for some pushing them beyond their limits.  People have lost homes, possessions, and tragically, in some cases lost their lives to Mother Nature's fury.  Everything has to be put into perspective, and looking at some people's losses, my own losses (mostly food from the refrigerator) and discomforts, I should be and am thankful that I escaped Sandy's worst in very good shape.  My heart and prayers go out to all those who have lost so much, and wish I could do more for some of those who have lost so much.
That said, it was a very rough week...
The storm had not even officially made land fall when I lost electric.  It would be four days with no electric, no heat, and for the most part no good food...kept the refrigerator closed hoping I could save the food inside, but in the end it was a losing battle.  Things important to us tend to slide by the way side, and such was the case for me this week.  I was too COLD, too tired and worried to stay up on the new program I have set up for myself.  I did my best to stick to my Isagenix regime, and over all did fairly well at that, but failed miserably in working out, getting my daily exercise, and it showed in my results (or lack there of). 
This morning this failure to maintain my dedication to my goals had me very down, down on myself, and doubting my committment.  It could have been so easy to just GIVE UP, but that is not what I wanted to, as the old expression goes, I doubled down, got myself out of my doldrums and did what I needed to do...I made myself my Isagenix Shake, and followed the Isagenix part of my program to a tee today, having my two shakes, using my accelerator, having a healthy under 600 calorie meal, and drinking lots of water...OH, and putting up a post in telling everyone I was having a hard time, and needing some encouragement...which was fast and bountiful in coming.
So, as this night wanes and I fight off my own tiredness from a very long week, feel back on track, and motivated to make this upcoming week a great one.

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