I’m Committed Too My Resolution
January 2, 20XX…pick the year.
Gyms, health clubs, fitness centers are filled to overflowing, and
people in the diet and nutrition industry are being swamped with hot leads as
people say, “I’m committed to my New Year’s resolutions to lose weight, get in
better shape, and be healthy.
People standing in line waiting to use this piece of equipment or
that, saying over and over to themselves, “I’m committed to this, and nothing
is going to dissuade me from my goals, this is the year I keep my resolution
and create a new me. Some have on their
new work out clothes, not a smudge on their new Nike running shoes they got for
Christmas, and they (YOU?) are going to do it, going to make it all happen.
What is your Resolution?
First, exactly what Resolution(s) have you set for yourselves?
1. Stop smoking
2. Stop drinking alcohol
3. Never again eat “FAST FOOD”…this would be good
one to keep.
4. Going to lose 50 pounds…100 pounds
5. Swearing off soft drinks and coffee
6. Going to work harder
and double my income?
The list could go on forever, each of us making these and similar Resolutions
(promises to ourself’s) each New Year’s day.
What is your New Year’s resolution(s) for 2013. Is it one of the above? Getting in shape and healthy? Losing weight? The real question is, will you keep it, and
what plan have you put in place to keep this resolution and realize your dreams?
Keeping Your Resolution
When you made your list, is it reasonable, and do you have a
reasonable chance of succeeding? Or
instead have you charged yourself with so many changes that you are setting
yourself up for failure. Most
resolutions fail in the first couple of weeks because we have a tendency to
bite off more than we can chew. Maybe
if we looked at our resolutions as goals, and accomplished one at a time the
statistics would greatly improve. How many of us have decided in a couple weeks
we’ll take a little break away from the gym to give our body a rest, and then
never go back? How many who have kept
their resolution to get physically fit are surprised once January comes and
goes that you have the gym or health club all to yourself? Only one out of ten people actually keep
their New Year’s resolution, and if you are still hitting the gym or dieting a
month out, chances are you are one of those 1 in 10 who are the true winners.
Why Make A Resolution
It makes us feel good, and everyone is doing it…what if we
eliminated all that failure by setting goals instead of making
resolutions? There is no doubt we all
want to improve our lives, lose weight, get healthier, but maybe making
resolutions once a year is the wrong approach.
Imagine setting goals for yourself, both large and small throughout the
year. Accomplishing them and then
setting new ones, the bar constantly getting higher as we set our standards ever
higher with each new success! Does this
seem to be a better approach, one in which we set ourselves up to succeed?
Make a Goal Instead of a Resolution, and Make That Goal A Habit
Good or bad, habits are easy to keep. Fact is, it takes around 21 days to begin
establishing a habit (or breaking one).
After 30 days, you begin automatically taking action on this new habit…IE,
working out or dieting. Simply stated,
once you hit that 30 day mark, it starts getting easier. In fact, most New Year’s resolutions fail
because most people never make it more than a week or two, and that is just not
enough time to establish a habit. If you
are tired of your failed New Year’s resolution to lose weight and get healthy,
give me 30 Days. Try our Isagenix 30 Day Cleanse, let me coach you to establishing and owning a new habit that will help
you succeed and meet your goals in 2013.
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