Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Two Months On The Wonderful Product That Is Isagenix...A Review

It was late September, and a chance meeting saw me introduced to a product and a company that are changing my life.  At the time, my weight (for years) was fluctuating between 194 and 204 pounds.  I had a large gut (Budda Belly) and pretended peoples comments about my impending pregnancy and remarks about twins did not bother me.  If I laid down on the bed I could fit into a size 38 pair of jeans if I did not mind the fabric digging into me and my belly hanging over the tops by some four to six inches.  In short, was not healthy, was not happy, and my life was in need of being shaken up and redirected in the right direction...enter that chance meeting with Andrea Hameed who, using Isagenix, had lost 130 pounds.  Her story was straight forward, sad at times, but filled with victory over adversity.
As the old saying goes, "I wanted in", was willing to take that leap of faith.  I signed up with this new company, and ordered my first product.  I would officially start my own journey with Isagenix on October 6th, and now, two months later (to the day) I am looking back at the trip so far, and anxious to continue moving forward. 
Many folks are just concerned with RESULTS...they say, "just give me the facts, the nuts and bolts of it all, did you lose weight?
Isagenix works...ISAGENIX WORKS.
You have to want health, you have to want to lose weight, and you have to be ready to dedicate yourself to the task...I was then, and want to be healthy today, I want to lose weight, and I have been and am dedicated to my own journey, didicated to  Isagenix, dedicated to following the program I have chosen for my journey to where I want to go, and all of those ingredients are paying dividends beyond my wildest dreams.
Those nuts and bolts...
A)  At my official two month weigh in tomorrow I expect my weight is going to be down around 175 pounds...that amounts to somewhere around 20 pounds lost. 
B)  My gut hanging over my jeans IS VANISHING, and I now comfortably am wearing BRAND NEW 36 INCH WAIST JEANS! 
C)  My energy levels are up, those feelings of lethargic emptiness replaced with a desire to be up, moving, out and about, plugged into the world outside my door.
D)  Find myself taking pride in things I had been how I look when I do go out.  Have bought myself a few transitional pieces of clothing, gotten my hair trimmed, and find myself really looking in the mirrow and liking who I see on the other side.
A lot of people out in the world are wanting to lose weight, even need to lose weight for their health and quality of life.  If you are one of those people, let me help you find what I have found, let me show you that there is a way to be the person you want to me...there is a path you can follow that will see you lose that weight, find that energy, and gain back that self confidence...Isgenix works, and I am a example of just what can happen when you take that leap of faith that is required to start your journey to being a product of the product.
As my coach would say, "Chocolate or Vanilla?" really is that simple.
Start your journey today with the Isagenix 30 Day Cleanse


  1. Bravo to you for all of your efforts! You are doing what we've discussed many times over the years and I am more than proud of you! Your determination and focus surely will continue to foster even greater success! Keep up the fabulous work!!
