
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Editorial...The Gun Debate/Comprehensive Immigration Debate

Yes...this post is not about my Isagenix journey, nor about is an Editorial from the author (Sherwood Martinelli) about two very important debates taking place right now in Washington, DC the outcome of which will affect all of us as Americans.  

Too often, we allow such debates to take place without ever exercising our most important civil right, our "Freedom of Speech" guaranteed under the "First Amendment". It is my belief, regardless of which side of the issues you support, that we as citizens have a duty and responsibility to weigh in on these important issues.  It is my belief that those who remain silent now have no right after the fact to complain (though they will) about the outcomes...our time to be heard is now.  So, with that thought in mind, feel compelled to express my view on these important issues.

Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Right out the door, lets take off the pretty bow and call Comprehensive Immigration reform what it is, what it would be...AMNESTY.  People who came here illegally, people who broke our laws, people who have illegally been in our country, who have been working here illegally are criminals.   They are not undocumented workers, they are not undocumented citizens, and as much as those in the Latino community would like to make it so, it is not a civil rights issue, but a criminal justice/legal issue that should be dealt with, but NOT WITH AMNESTY.  Let us go a step further...there is plenty of fault to go around...all those who have HIRED ILLEGAL ALIENS are criminals as well who should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Congress, nor the President should be granting AMNESTY because of politics, and yet that is exactly what Republicans, Democrats and President Obama are attempting to do...grant Amnesty to upwards of 15 million Illegal Aliens in the hopes of gaining a political advantage in future election cycles.  Even Senator John McCain admitted this when he stated on live TV when asked why now was a good time to pursue Comprehensive Immigration Reform, "Elections, elections, elections!"  We forgive criminals to gain political advantage?  We grant criminals Amnesty after giving them a slap on the hand in the hopes of winning votes in future elections?

If we are going to have "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" lets be fair to ALL THOSE HURT by these Illegal Aliens.  Fact...Illegal Aliens yearly depress the average American worker's wages (in totality) over $200 Billion each and every year.  Fact, Illegal Aliens have stolen jobs from hard working Americans...just look at the landscaping and construction industries as two prime examples.  Obama has said those who have entered or stayed in America illegally should not get to go to the front of the line...I can agree with that statement, especially when it comes to American jobs.  So, first step that should be taken as we walk down the path to this Comprehensive Immigration Reform...IMMEDIATELY make E-Verify the law of the land, require every employer in America to use it for every employee they have on the payroll, and make it mandatory that they immediately TERMINATE THE EMPLOYMENT of anyone found to be working in American illegally.  

Yes, I am suggesting here that in a show of good to the American worker that all illegal aliens be SENT TO THE BACK OF THE LINE, that they be hired only after those in America who are wanting to work have been given the chance to work AT A FAIR WAGE.  As a part of this, as a part of Comprehensive Immigration Reform, would also make it a felony to pay ANY WORKER (legal or illegal) under the table, regardless of the job.  Obviously, enforcement is key, so it is suggested here that any steps toward granting illegal aliens legal status be held up for a period of no less than 24 months after E-Verify has been fully implemented and deployed in the American work force. Would guess this singular first step in the path toward Comprehensive Immigration Reform would see 2.5 million LEGAL RESIDENTS OF AMERICA returned to gainful employment who are currently unemployed.

The politicians in an attempt to appease us average Americans seem to be in agreement that these Illegal Aliens should pay some kind of a fine.  It is suggested here, that said fine should fit the CRIMES (yes, that is plural).  Using a fake ID, stealing someone's identity,  are serious crimes...especially if you used someone else's Social Security number to open bank accounts, get credit cards, so forth and so on.  Working under the table is TAX EVASION...a serious crime according to the IRS.  How many illegal aliens have been driving without a license, or without insurance...from personal anecdotal evidence, my own car has been hit three times by drunk illegal aliens who had no insurance, and no drivers license.  Furthermore, I know from personal experience that many illegal aliens even have fake car registrations.  Surely our politicians are not going to tell us that a $500 fine WIPES THE SLATE CLEAN are they?

I am not saying here that I would oppose Comprehensive Immigration Reform, but if it is going to happen, lets be fair to all of us, and lets STOP ACTING LIKE ILLEGAL ALIENS ARE VICTIMS...fact is, many of them for many years have been predators!  They have thought nothing of coming to our country illegally, thought nothing of under cutting our wages to get a job, and they think there is nothing wrong with them stealing OUR AMERICAN DREAM for themselves.  So, if we are going to do this, lets do it right, and lets not REWARD CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR with AMNESTY.

Gun Control Debate...Ban on Semi-Automatic Weapons

First thing of concern to me...all this talk about the mentally ill, and creating some kind of a tracking system so that we keep guns out of the hands of crazy people.  On its surface, this seems reasonable, but if you scratch that surface, it is a very dangerous and slippery slope.  My question...where do you draw the line, and who makes the call?  If someone was diagnosed with cancer, is seeing a therapist for depression, are they going to have their right to own a gun revoked?  What about all of our veterans who have come home from fighting for our country who are suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder...are they going to have their right to own and possess a gun revoked? Is it going to be one of those things where once you are put on the list, you are on it forever?  Mental illness is a very broad terminology, and see a very real risk that far too many Americans could find themselves caught up in the net Congress is contemplating casting out in the name of keeping guns out of the hands of those with Mental Illness.

Secondly, like it or not, as a general rule it is true that gun control laws will not keep guns out of the hands of criminals.  Even in New York city, those of a criminal mindset know where to go, who to see to purchase the proverbial "Saturday Night Special".  Not comfortable with any law that would make it easier for criminals to get armed than it is for law abiding citizens to arm themselves.  Furthermore, not comfortable with restrictive laws that put citizens in a position of perhaps having to become criminals in order to arm themselves and protect their families.

I am fully against a ban on Semi-Automatic weapons.  Fact is, I have lived in poor rural communities where at best, police protection is woeful.  It is hard for people living in big cities to realize that in some rural communities response time once you call 911 could be an hour or longer.  What if multiple criminals break into a house in such an area, said criminals ARMED AND DANGEROUS.  A homeowner looking at such a risk, in my opinion, would be justified in wanting a semi-automatic weapon at hand should the need arise.

Sandy Hook was a horrid tragedy, and my heart goes out to everyone there who lost a loved one.  We all know those in support of gun control can trot out a long list of similar tragic incidents in support of their argument.   Even today at the Senate Hearing they trotted out former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in an attempt to have Americans embrace limitations on our Second Amendment Rights.  What happened to her was/is tragic...but, what happened to her was not done by a law abiding, sane person.  Fact is, conservative estimates say there are at least 2,446,294 AR-15 Assault Rifles in civilian hands here in America.  Let us say there have been 20 mass killings using AR-15's (number is probably less).  Do we punish 99.999 percent of the law abiding gun owners because 1/1000th of one percent of those who were able to get their hands on said weapon used it as a weapon of MASS DESTRUCTION?

A conservative estimates says at least nine percent of Americans get behind the wheel intoxicated, drunk.  Should we ban the use of cars?  In 2010, there were an estimated 5,419,000 crashes, killing 32,885 and injuring 2,239,000. Of the 30,470 firearm-related deaths in the United States in 2010, 19,392 (63.6%) were suicide deaths, and 11,078 (36.4%) homicide deaths. The number of automobile deaths in 2010 are very close to but higher than gun related deaths, and the overwhelming majority of gun deaths were suicide.  Based on the numbers we could easily argue that cars are far more lethal than ALL GUNS ARE.  Notice I said all guns...fact is, by percentage, deaths by semi-automatic weapons is small compared to deaths caused by standard handguns or fact, just looking at the suicide gun deaths tells us right off the top that 63.6 percent of the deaths were NOT CAUSED BY A SEMI AUTOMATIC WEAPON.

I know that some, perhaps many will disagree with me, but lets not let our government abridge our Second Amendment Rights because of a senseless tragedy.  Lets not abridge the rights of 99.999 percent of the population of America because of the senseless brutality and insanity of that 1/1000th of one percent.

Getting off my soapbox.

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