
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Two BIG Blog Milestones Occurred Today...The Second Being This My 100th Post

I always like milestones...they represent major accomplishments, serve as important markers on the journey from here to there, even of some of those journey never fully end...such as my own life transformation that started not quite four months ago when I decided to give Isagenix a try...a decision that lead to the creation of this blog.

Today, six days short of four months into my own journey of self discovery and improvement, my blog received its 5000th unique visitors...that is pretty cool, and am very pleased to know that my story, my Isagenix testimonial has reached that many people.  As a side note, those 5000 unique visitors have come from 34 nations from all around the have to love the internet.  It seems only fitting at on the same day "The Isa Guru" blog crossed the threshold of 5,000 visitors that I am sitting here tonight after a hard day of physical therapy penning my 100th blog post!

So, to everyone who has been so supportive as I have lost weight, found new energy, and thinned down, THANK YOU for supporting me, and for supporting this blog.  My own transformation is far from over, so please keep visiting...OH...and leave a comment now and then, or ask a question!

My readers ARE THE BEST!

Sherwood Martinelli...The Isa Guru

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Editorial...The Gun Debate/Comprehensive Immigration Debate

Yes...this post is not about my Isagenix journey, nor about is an Editorial from the author (Sherwood Martinelli) about two very important debates taking place right now in Washington, DC the outcome of which will affect all of us as Americans.  

Too often, we allow such debates to take place without ever exercising our most important civil right, our "Freedom of Speech" guaranteed under the "First Amendment". It is my belief, regardless of which side of the issues you support, that we as citizens have a duty and responsibility to weigh in on these important issues.  It is my belief that those who remain silent now have no right after the fact to complain (though they will) about the outcomes...our time to be heard is now.  So, with that thought in mind, feel compelled to express my view on these important issues.

Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Right out the door, lets take off the pretty bow and call Comprehensive Immigration reform what it is, what it would be...AMNESTY.  People who came here illegally, people who broke our laws, people who have illegally been in our country, who have been working here illegally are criminals.   They are not undocumented workers, they are not undocumented citizens, and as much as those in the Latino community would like to make it so, it is not a civil rights issue, but a criminal justice/legal issue that should be dealt with, but NOT WITH AMNESTY.  Let us go a step further...there is plenty of fault to go around...all those who have HIRED ILLEGAL ALIENS are criminals as well who should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Congress, nor the President should be granting AMNESTY because of politics, and yet that is exactly what Republicans, Democrats and President Obama are attempting to do...grant Amnesty to upwards of 15 million Illegal Aliens in the hopes of gaining a political advantage in future election cycles.  Even Senator John McCain admitted this when he stated on live TV when asked why now was a good time to pursue Comprehensive Immigration Reform, "Elections, elections, elections!"  We forgive criminals to gain political advantage?  We grant criminals Amnesty after giving them a slap on the hand in the hopes of winning votes in future elections?

If we are going to have "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" lets be fair to ALL THOSE HURT by these Illegal Aliens.  Fact...Illegal Aliens yearly depress the average American worker's wages (in totality) over $200 Billion each and every year.  Fact, Illegal Aliens have stolen jobs from hard working Americans...just look at the landscaping and construction industries as two prime examples.  Obama has said those who have entered or stayed in America illegally should not get to go to the front of the line...I can agree with that statement, especially when it comes to American jobs.  So, first step that should be taken as we walk down the path to this Comprehensive Immigration Reform...IMMEDIATELY make E-Verify the law of the land, require every employer in America to use it for every employee they have on the payroll, and make it mandatory that they immediately TERMINATE THE EMPLOYMENT of anyone found to be working in American illegally.  

Yes, I am suggesting here that in a show of good to the American worker that all illegal aliens be SENT TO THE BACK OF THE LINE, that they be hired only after those in America who are wanting to work have been given the chance to work AT A FAIR WAGE.  As a part of this, as a part of Comprehensive Immigration Reform, would also make it a felony to pay ANY WORKER (legal or illegal) under the table, regardless of the job.  Obviously, enforcement is key, so it is suggested here that any steps toward granting illegal aliens legal status be held up for a period of no less than 24 months after E-Verify has been fully implemented and deployed in the American work force. Would guess this singular first step in the path toward Comprehensive Immigration Reform would see 2.5 million LEGAL RESIDENTS OF AMERICA returned to gainful employment who are currently unemployed.

The politicians in an attempt to appease us average Americans seem to be in agreement that these Illegal Aliens should pay some kind of a fine.  It is suggested here, that said fine should fit the CRIMES (yes, that is plural).  Using a fake ID, stealing someone's identity,  are serious crimes...especially if you used someone else's Social Security number to open bank accounts, get credit cards, so forth and so on.  Working under the table is TAX EVASION...a serious crime according to the IRS.  How many illegal aliens have been driving without a license, or without insurance...from personal anecdotal evidence, my own car has been hit three times by drunk illegal aliens who had no insurance, and no drivers license.  Furthermore, I know from personal experience that many illegal aliens even have fake car registrations.  Surely our politicians are not going to tell us that a $500 fine WIPES THE SLATE CLEAN are they?

I am not saying here that I would oppose Comprehensive Immigration Reform, but if it is going to happen, lets be fair to all of us, and lets STOP ACTING LIKE ILLEGAL ALIENS ARE VICTIMS...fact is, many of them for many years have been predators!  They have thought nothing of coming to our country illegally, thought nothing of under cutting our wages to get a job, and they think there is nothing wrong with them stealing OUR AMERICAN DREAM for themselves.  So, if we are going to do this, lets do it right, and lets not REWARD CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR with AMNESTY.

Gun Control Debate...Ban on Semi-Automatic Weapons

First thing of concern to me...all this talk about the mentally ill, and creating some kind of a tracking system so that we keep guns out of the hands of crazy people.  On its surface, this seems reasonable, but if you scratch that surface, it is a very dangerous and slippery slope.  My question...where do you draw the line, and who makes the call?  If someone was diagnosed with cancer, is seeing a therapist for depression, are they going to have their right to own a gun revoked?  What about all of our veterans who have come home from fighting for our country who are suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder...are they going to have their right to own and possess a gun revoked? Is it going to be one of those things where once you are put on the list, you are on it forever?  Mental illness is a very broad terminology, and see a very real risk that far too many Americans could find themselves caught up in the net Congress is contemplating casting out in the name of keeping guns out of the hands of those with Mental Illness.

Secondly, like it or not, as a general rule it is true that gun control laws will not keep guns out of the hands of criminals.  Even in New York city, those of a criminal mindset know where to go, who to see to purchase the proverbial "Saturday Night Special".  Not comfortable with any law that would make it easier for criminals to get armed than it is for law abiding citizens to arm themselves.  Furthermore, not comfortable with restrictive laws that put citizens in a position of perhaps having to become criminals in order to arm themselves and protect their families.

I am fully against a ban on Semi-Automatic weapons.  Fact is, I have lived in poor rural communities where at best, police protection is woeful.  It is hard for people living in big cities to realize that in some rural communities response time once you call 911 could be an hour or longer.  What if multiple criminals break into a house in such an area, said criminals ARMED AND DANGEROUS.  A homeowner looking at such a risk, in my opinion, would be justified in wanting a semi-automatic weapon at hand should the need arise.

Sandy Hook was a horrid tragedy, and my heart goes out to everyone there who lost a loved one.  We all know those in support of gun control can trot out a long list of similar tragic incidents in support of their argument.   Even today at the Senate Hearing they trotted out former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in an attempt to have Americans embrace limitations on our Second Amendment Rights.  What happened to her was/is tragic...but, what happened to her was not done by a law abiding, sane person.  Fact is, conservative estimates say there are at least 2,446,294 AR-15 Assault Rifles in civilian hands here in America.  Let us say there have been 20 mass killings using AR-15's (number is probably less).  Do we punish 99.999 percent of the law abiding gun owners because 1/1000th of one percent of those who were able to get their hands on said weapon used it as a weapon of MASS DESTRUCTION?

A conservative estimates says at least nine percent of Americans get behind the wheel intoxicated, drunk.  Should we ban the use of cars?  In 2010, there were an estimated 5,419,000 crashes, killing 32,885 and injuring 2,239,000. Of the 30,470 firearm-related deaths in the United States in 2010, 19,392 (63.6%) were suicide deaths, and 11,078 (36.4%) homicide deaths. The number of automobile deaths in 2010 are very close to but higher than gun related deaths, and the overwhelming majority of gun deaths were suicide.  Based on the numbers we could easily argue that cars are far more lethal than ALL GUNS ARE.  Notice I said all guns...fact is, by percentage, deaths by semi-automatic weapons is small compared to deaths caused by standard handguns or fact, just looking at the suicide gun deaths tells us right off the top that 63.6 percent of the deaths were NOT CAUSED BY A SEMI AUTOMATIC WEAPON.

I know that some, perhaps many will disagree with me, but lets not let our government abridge our Second Amendment Rights because of a senseless tragedy.  Lets not abridge the rights of 99.999 percent of the population of America because of the senseless brutality and insanity of that 1/1000th of one percent.

Getting off my soapbox.

Awesome Dinner TONIGHT! Love Isagenix Dieting Plan

Ok...I love experimenting in the kitchen, tend to be a fly by the seat kind of a fellow who rarely uses a recipe when I cook.  Have to say, tonight's dinner was SUPER YUMMY.  My own shrimp scampi dish...

You need one skillet, and one lidded pot to boil noodles in.

Pour some Virgin Olive Oil in Pan
Juice of one whole lemon
Some capers.
Four sliced mushrooms
Three diced dried Italian Tomatoes
Handful of Shrimp

Cover and on low heat steam...

In pot, boil up some organic duck egg noodles.  I know...where do you GET THEM?  HERE!  Trust me, the folks at Northern Farmhouse Pasta have the world's BEST PASTA, and ALL die for!

When noodles are done, place on plate.  Lay on the shrimp, followed by the mushrooms, capers and tomatoes.  Take drippings and add some tomato basil feta cheese, turn heat on high and thicken...pour over shrimp and pasta.  Sprinkle with fresh chopped French Parsley.  SO GOOD!

Think of Dieting As Hide and Seek, Lost and Found!

The Day I Started 10/6/2012
It's easy to look in a mirror at the who that you over years have become and simply think the task of getting in shape, losing weight is too great a feat, and head toward the refrigerator for a morning slice of last night's left over apple pie, half of which you ate while watching the 2:00 AM rerun of Jon Stewart's "The Daily Show" on the "Comedy Channel".  I know, because I have been there, have avoided almost every mirror in my house, and then my apartment that showed me more than my head, as if somehow by focusing in on only that part of me that I was not embarrassed about the rest of the world would follow suit, identify the who of me by just my face, rather than that rest of me that I could not stand, that part of me that I was embarrassed and ashamed of.

Reality is, the world does not often cooperate in our fantasies, in our masquerade of self delusion.  People did see my Buddha Belly as it grew ever bigger, showing concern, sometimes in remarks that hurt, remarks that saw me grab one more chunk of meat from the grill, or help myself to another scoop of taters or Mac and Cheese at dinner.  In short, I was playing hide and seek with a truth I did not want to face...I was FAT, maybe even on the verge of OBESE, and the only person who could change that reality was staring back at me in the mirror each and every morning when I combed my hair and brushed my teeth.

In the past almost four months now, a lot of changes have occurred in my life, a caterpillar slowly emerging from his cocoon, a beautiful butterfly, wings still damp who is getting ready to take flight.  As I was working out today, had an Epiphany of sorts, an AH HA moment.

Me on 1/17/2013
One of my recurring themes when I share the product with others is encouraging them to lose the weight and let the beautiful person that has always been residing inside themselves to emerge.  Thinking on that, pondering that child's game of "Hide and Seek" that was the game I'd been playing for far too long with myself, realized today that I was still playing that game, but in a new and wondrous way with ALL NEW RULES.  

For years as the pounds piled onto my frame, the beautiful me, all the muscles there under the surface had been hidden away under mounds of fat, and now with the help of Isagenix, my coach "Andrea Hameed" and many of my Isa friends on Facebook, I am seeking out those muscles, that beautiful me, that which was lost now being found...the me that has always been there slowly emerging as the fat melts away!

All I have to do is look at statistics to know there are a lot of seriously overweight people in America, in the world...also know that a lot of those people deep down inside do not want to be fat, are playing that same old game of "Hide and Seek" that I played for too many years.  Also know, that many of those people who want to find that beautiful person hiding inside are afraid to take that first step, and the next, and the one after that, fearing more than anything looking the fool when and if they fail.  That fear of failure more than anything else sees them making excuses..."Dieting never works" or "I'm just naturally big boned, and besides I like myself just the way I am", the patented "everyone in my family is on the large size", and my own favorite, "I am sure your program works, but it's just too expensive, I cannot afford it!"

I know these excuses because I have used than, finding them easier to blurt out rather than facing a truth I did not want to face, hiding my own shame in excuses that deep down inside I knew were not true.

Dieting does work, but only if you are ready to dedicate yourself to the long haul journey that lays ahead.  I did not pack on some 40-50 pounds of fat (almost all in my belly) in a week, a month or even a was a long process that happened over years, even decades.  Expecting to diet for a month, two or even three and reclaim my former self is unrealistic.  Furthermore, dieting is only a part of the pathway that leads to success...getting to where you want to go requires lifestyle changes, requires committing to actually EXERCISING, being active.  Most of all, finding the real you that you've lost over a period of years take faith, dedication and also takes STUBBORNEST, that refusal to accept anything but the new course and reality you have set for yourself despite the naysayers bent on seeing you fail.

I live on a limited budget, and it took me far too long to realize that I could not afford what not getting healthy was costing me.  When I woke up, saw lost life opportunities resulting from my weight, when I woke up to the shame and guilt I carried around because of my Buddha Belly, when I started looking for ways to find the money to GET HEALTHY because I wanted it, I found out that I could afford to try I watched inches and pounds melting away, watched the new me emerging, found the money to STAY THE COURSE to continue on a path that was working.  

I used to stop at a fast food place a couple times a week, grab a couple of burgers, some fries, a super sized Coke, always telling myself I deserved it, or making it OK because I was hungry.  If I were out and about and there was a Panera's or Starbucks on the route too and from, I would treat myself to a Grande something something, and oh those danish always enticed me...sometimes one was just not enough, so would buy two.  Pull into a gas station for a fill up, and how could I not grab a Snickers Bar, or a Pay Day?  The cost in pounds, and in CASH adds up quickly.  Looking back at those times, finally being honest with myself after years of denial, realize I need to be truthful..."I DID NOT WANT TO AFFORD Isagenix's OR ANY OTHER DIETING PROGRAM"...what would have meant looking in that mirror and admitting truths I was not ready to admit.

The old saying "You can drag a horse to water, but you cannot make them drink" is so very true.  I can introduce you to Isagenix's, can show my own before and right now pictures and prove that their "90 Day Challenge" can and does work...but if you are not ready, if you are wanting to wallow in your shame, guilt and denial, then the program I believe, nor any other dieting plan is going to work for you.  But, if you are ready to make changes, if you are willing to do the work, if you are ready to become that beautiful person that has always been hiding inside yourself, then lets take the journey together.

Sherwood Martinelli-The Isa Guru
Cell/Text (845) 346-6523
Home     (845) 693-4513  Go explore the product, look at our Weight Loss Products.

If you are ready for serious life changes, ready to lose that weight, lets chat...I make a great coach, and Isagenix (in my perspective) is the greatest weight loss program in the world.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Ebbs and Flows of Losing Weight, Getting Healthy

Being honest with myself, I allowed myself over a period of years to get VERY unhealthy.  My cholesterol was high, I was overweight to the point of being almost but not quite obese, had no energy, and was on a downhill track mentally, emotionally and physically.  As the years unfolded, as I grew older, being honest, I sort of gave up, stopped trying, and chose to ignore the signs that I needed to reassess some issues in my life, especially where my weight was concerned.  It's painful to catch a glance of yourself in the mirror and realize how much the body staring back at me resembled that of "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" of TV fame...can we say eight months pregnant carrying what looked like triplets.  I felt shame on the inside, while on the outside pretended to the world that I was fine, and when someone brought up my weight, found a convenient excuse in my gall bladder surgery, telling them keeping the weight off since that surgery was almost if not impossible.

In ten days I will have been on my Isagenix program for exactly four months, and as anyone and everyone who knows me, sees me can vouch for, the results are nothing short of astounding.  I started the program back on October 6th weighing 193 ON A GOOD DAY.  My gut hung over my 38-40 waist pants by several issues, I looked fat and out of shape, and could not walk up the flight of stairs to my apartment without huffing and puffing.  110 days into this journey to a new me, my gut is not gone, but the HUGE BUDDHA BELLY has shrunk to a point where if I were pregnant, I would have just started disrespect to my women readers in that comparison.  I have more energy than I have had in years, and over all feel a lot more positive, and better about myself.

That said, the journey has had its ups and downs, the proverbial ebbs and flows that see you on certain days doubting yourself, even considering giving up as those voices in your head say, "What are you wasting your time for, give up on this folly and go raid the refrigerator. step at a time, working the program even when you do not want to...that at times is the hardest task of all, especially when you find yourself on a plateau, seeing no results for days, even weeks on end despite how hard you are trying.  In short, yes there have been DARK DAYS, been times when I wanted to give up, walk away and just give up.  What I have learned, is overcoming those obstacles, sticking to it when every part of you is wanting to give up is the difference in those who FAIL AT DIETING, and those who succeed. 

Ebbs and flows, ups and downs...let's be honest, there are days when I fell off the proverbial wagon and in a big way.  In my 110 days, Halloween has come and gone, celebrated a day of feasting at Thanksgiving, and then ran rushing head long into the Christmas/New Years holidays.  Trust me, more than once I far exceeded my caloric intake, missed my workout, and every time I did it showed when I got on the scale...but I did not give up, did not beat myself up.  Instead, this time  forgave myself and would get up in the morning and get right back on the proverbial horse, go back to working the program that was improving my health, and my life.  That dedication and perseverance is paying dividends...for the first time since maybe 1980 (32 years ago) my weight (on a good morning weigh in) is down under 165, and I am so looking forward to that day very soon when I get on the scale and weigh in at under 160.

Dieting is not easy, and any one who tells you differently is lying to you.  Dieting is a journey, not something done successfully with long term lasting changes in a few days, a few weeks or even a couple of months.  It took those of us who got fat/obese years to get there, and the journey back to health, back to the ME we want for ourselves cannot be rushed...but take it from me...the work, the occasional self doubts, the worries of failure, the ebbs and flows are WORTH IT!

If you are serious about losing weight, are wanting to reclaim that beautiful you that is hiding inside, and are ready to do the hard work, ready to work the program, lets talk...I can coach anyone to success if they are willing to dedicate themselves to the work that lays ahead on their journey to victory and success.

The Isa Guru-Sherwood Martinelli
text/cell (845) 346-6523
phone    (800) 693-4513
              (800) 868-1973 (recorded information on Isagenix) 

PS...if you enjoyed this article, please share the link with others, and toss me a G +1 using the buttons below this post.  Enjoy your day, and believe in yourselves.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Is That Diet Coke Killing You? Potential Health Risks of Diet Soda

I used to be a Coke addict, and years ago when I dated a diabetic became quite the consumer of Diet Coke…Jack & Coke being my beverage of choice on a night out, and icy cold Diet Coke there to quench my summer thirst when mowing the lawn.  My attitude and love for Diet Coke, and for sodas of all types started changing long before I started following my Isagenix Dieting plan…simply stated, I avoided it, used it as a special treat.  There was nothing specific, just sensed that drinking 2, 3, 4 even 5 bottles or cans of Soda Pop a day could not be good for me, so  adopted the advice found in the adage, “All things in moderation.”  As time went on, as various reports suggested some very serious potential risks in Diet Soda, have all but cut out any consumption of Soda Pop of any kind, so not necessarily beating up on just Coke…it just happened to be my pop of choice.  One should be asking themselves, “Is my consumption of Diet Soda killing me?”

A bold question, but let’s explore some of the potential risks found in consuming diet soda.

I view diet soda  as something you need to eliminate from your diet. It's a  peeve of mine. Many people enjoy diet soda, feel it is a “freebie” because it contains zero calories (not exactly true). What many people fail to realize: diet soda can be very detrimental to their health.

Why is diet soda unhealthy? Let me count the ways!


A neurotoxin is a substance which inhibits the functions of neurons. Neurons are found throughout the brain and nervous system, and the function of these unique cells is critical for a variety of tasks, ranging from autonomic nervous system jobs like swallowing to higher-level brain function. Neurotoxins can work in a variety of ways, with the danger of exposure varying, depending on the neurotoxin involved and the dosage.

In some cases, neurotoxins simply severely damage neurons so that they cannot function. Others attack the signaling capability of neurons, by blocking releases of various chemicals or interfering with the methods of reception for such transmissions, and sometimes telling neurons to send false signals. A neurotoxin may also destroy neurons altogether.

So why discuss neurotoxins in the same article with diet soda…in a word, which acts as a neurotoxin.  Imagine destroying or severely damaging your brain and nervous systems neutrons every time you drink a can of diet pop!  Don’t know about you, but that sure gives me cause for pause when I find myself craving a can or fountain Coke.  If you explore the breakdown of aspartame in your body, the news gets worse.


Made from L-aspartyl-L-phenylalanyl-methyl-ester, aspartame is 200 times as sweet as sugar and contains negligible calories. Once in the human body, aspartame breaks down into phenylalanine, aspartic acid, and methanol. Methanol is a wood alcohol poison that, when heated above 86 degrees Fahrenheit (the human body temperature is 98.6 degrees), converts to formaldehyde. Aspartame is also an excitotoxin that builds up in the brain, and can excite brain neurons to the point of cell death.

Let us explore further the dangers associated with Diet Soda of which there seem to be far too many…especially as our nation faces a serious national obesity crisis.  Diet Soda Causes Headaches and Other Symptoms…enter yet another newer artificial sweetener that comes with a host of potential negative health effects including headaches/migraines.

Sucralose (Splenda)

Sucralose may be a trigger for migraines, according to a study published in the August, 2006 issue of “Headache: Journal of Head and Face Pain.''

Some concern has been raised regarding the effect of sucralose on the thymus, reports The thymus is a small organ in the upper chest that helps a person's body make white blood cells during childhood.

Sucralose may also intensify sugar cravings, increase appetite, and trigger insulin release.

Sucralose is relatively new on the market place in the big picture of artificial sweeteners, its first use in Diet Soda its use in RC for your trivia buffs.  Most of the studies being done are being paid for by the sweetener industry itself, so they have a vested interest in singing Sucralose praises, rather than fully exploring the risks associated with it.  Another tidbit for you trivia fans out there…many artificial sweeteners are not calorie free!...seems the fillers contain calories, but the FDA allows companies to claim zero calories if the packet contains less than 5 calories.  So much for truth in advertising when it comes to artificial sweeteners put into diet soda.

All Soda is Acidifying…Acid Reflux Anyone?

NEWSFLASH everyone…soda is made up with a number of ACIDIC CHEMICALS…yes, I said CHEMICALS, acidic ones.  In fact, soda is one of the most acidic substances ingested by human beings, and WE DO IT WILLINGLY.  Acids in the diet soda we drink carry some very serious health risks such as demineralizing the bones and teeth, and can lead to both fractures and osteoporosis.  Furthermore, acid in our bodies can cause other health conditions such as corrosion and inflammation of body tissues…overly acidic bodies will not appear as youthful and beautiful…in short, it will contribute to you LOOKING OLDER.  Most important of all in my opinion…CANCER THRIVES IN AN ACIDIC ENVIRONMENT!

Diet Soda is Caffeinated

I know, so is coffee…as I stated before, “All things in Moderation” and caffeine can be harmful if we are consuming to much of it.  Fact is, many diet sodas contain the addictive artificial stimulant that is CAFFEIN!  Caffeine can tax our liver and hamper its ability to CLEANSE and FILTER toxins!  Did you also know too much caffeine can trigger stress hormones which can result in WEIGHT GAIN as well as CHRONIC STRESS!  Lastly, caffeine is a diuretic which dehydrates our bodies…maybe reaching for water is a better health choice?

Diet Soda INCREASES RISK of Obesity…OMG!

Let’s cut to the chase…A University of Texas Health Center study made some startling findings testing the link between diet soda and obesity.

Obesity risk increased as followed:
26.5 percent for people drinking up to ½ can of diet soda per day, and 24 percent for regular soda drinkers consuming up to one can per day

54.5 percent for one to two cans of diet soda per day as opposed to 32.8 percent for those drinking the same amount of regular soda

57.1 percent for people drinking more than two cans of diet soda per day as opposed to 47.2 percent for people drinking the same amount of regular soda.

My reading…drinking soda of any kind contributes to obesity, but drinking diet soda increases your risk of obesity more than drinking regular caloric soda containing sugar or high-fructose corn syrup does!

These are just some of the potential risks of drinking diet soda, but there are others such as increasing your toxic load (diet soda contains carbonated water, artificial coloring, phosphoric acid, potassium benzoate, citric acid) which places toxic load on your liver, and some studies even suggest consumption of diet soda could increase your risk of heart disease.   With all these associated health risks, maybe it is time for you to ask yourself…is that icy cold diet drink worth the risks?  Next time you want a diet soda, consider reaching for an icy cold glass of water instead…your body will thank you for it.

I am getting healthy with Isagenix...want to join me?

Cell/text (845) 346-6523
Phone     (845) 693-4513
Recorded message on Isagenix (800) 868-1973
Explore on your on   

Try a free sample of our Isalean Shake (shipping charges apply) 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Be Leary of ViSalus BMW Promise!

What is Not To Love?
In the act of FULL DISCLOSURE...I am an Isagenix Consultant, have been using Isagenix products since October 6th of 2012...they work for me, I have lost some 25 plus pounds, and a whole lot of body inches in their Isa Body Challenge.  Am new to the company, so not currently making fist fulls of money, and in fact am spending more eating healthy, losing weight and getting fit than I am currently making...I do this because THE PRODUCT WORKS.  I also happen to believe in the business framework of the company, and have plans to build my own Isagenix business into some serious income over the coming months and years.  I also am 57 years old, am a bit cantankerous, and tend to read the fine print where others do not...which brings us to ViSalus and their shiny little bling used to entice people to sell their product...specifically, their Black BMW

Much like some of ViSalus's product claims, something in the BMW claim seemed just to enticing.  We have shakes, ViSalus has shakes...their shakes cost less, but upon closer examination, you begin to understand best as a stand alone item, their shakes are a snack at 90 calories, while ours at 240 calories and 23 grams of protein are a meal.   To make their shakes a meal, you have to start adding stuff...some of that stuff NOT VERY HEALTHY.  IE, go look at how many of their recipes for shakes include the use of Jello Pudding (I know, an American staple)...that pudding contains various ingredients that I consider toxic, as well as gelatin...Gelatin is made from animal hooves, not exactly what I want to be putting into a supposedly HEALTHY SHAKE...your mileage may vary.

Now a BMW is a very ENTICING PERK...I know, I drive one.  A beautiful cream colored BMW is posh, and I love driving it.  Obviously, suddenly finding myself drinking shakes, cleansing and getting healthy, I wanted to find out before I got to far in just what this BMW offer the competition was offering entailed...HEY, I'm human, would not mind having TWO BMW's, one off white, the other black...can see the custom plates now, "MINE" and MINE2".  

Being curious, I did a Google search for, "ViSalus Bimmer Club" in my quest to know all about the opportunity.  You can read what I read here.  Seems that there are some SERIOUS STRINGS attached to the ViSalus Bimmer offer, especially considering the fact that they in no way shape or form are giving you a Bimmer, are NOT guaranteeing the payments for said Bimmer, and make it clear they in no way shape or form are going to help you get said Black Bimmer.
The decision to acquire a new or used BMW vehicle is solely the responsibility of the Distributor in consultation with BMW, dealer or lessor. Any contract signed by the Distributor is exclusively between said Distributor and BMW. 

ViSalus Sciences will not guarantee any purchase or lease payments and cannot offer any advice as to the Distributor’s ability to finance said vehicle.
2. Participant understands that Participant is not obligated to purchase or lease a BMW vehicle. If Participant does purchase or lease a BMW vehicle, Participant acknowledges that he/she will, at all times, be personally and solely responsible for the payment to BMW of all purchase or lease amounts and/or any other amounts relating to such purchase or lease of a BMW vehicle. Participant further understands that ViSalus will not: (a) participate in any negotiations regarding Participant’s purchase or lease of a BMW vehicle; (b) sign (in any capacity whatsoever) the purchase or lease agreement, or any other documents, relating to Participant’s purchase or lease of a BMW vehicle; or (c) be liable in any way whatsoever to BMW (or any BMW affiliate) for any financial or other obligations relating to Participant’s purchase or lease of a BMW vehicle. ViSalus’ only obligation with respect to Participant’s purchase or lease of a BMW vehicle will be to pay Participant’s bonus directly to Participant in such amounts and for such periods of time as described in the Program Guidelines.
The above is copied RIGHT FROM ViSalus short, they are saying it is your, the distributor's, responsibility to negotiate the purchase of your Bimmer with a BMW dealer, and further, they in no way shape or form will guarantees the purchase and/or the lease payments...OUCH!  How can that be?  Again, read the fine print...I'll make it simple...if you reach position A, there is no guarantee that you will stay there.  What happens if say three of your downline drop out, or stop ordering because it's summer vacation, and because of this you fail to meet the qualifications of position A that got you qualified for those Bimmer payments....UHHHHHH, can you say, "SCREWED"...that's right, you are left high and dry until you RE-QUALIFY, which means you are left scrambling to make that car payment!

Now I am sure there are some ViSalus reps who have gotten that Black BMW, and stayed qualified, actually were successful over a period of time in having ViSalus give them the money to make the payments until the loan or lease was paid off.  However, being a betting man here, also betting there are many ViSalus reps, even former reps that got sucked into a situation they did not fully understand, who bought or leased a BMW, and then lost it!  How many of those who lost thier BMW's also lost their good credit rating in the process...I cannot answer that last question, but would love to talk to those who found themselves on the short end of the ViSalus Bimmer Club enticement about the long term financial opportunities found with Isagenix.

Do yourself a favor and join my Isagenix Team today:
text/cell (845) 346-6523
home     (845) 693-4513
              (800)868-1973...recorded product introduction
      Try an Isalean Shake sample (shipping charges apply)
      Explore the product and Opportunity!  

PS...For the record, BMW makes some stunningly beautiful cars full of fabulous creature comforts, and I would encourage anyone who can afford one to serious consider visiting your local BMW dealership.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Five Great Tips For Busting Through Dieting/Fitness Plateau

Water Does a Body Good!
For anyone who has gotten serious about getting fit, losing weight, and building some lean muscle, we have all reached one of those Plateau’s…you know the one where no matter what you do, you find your weight stubbornly staying right at whatever it is, no matter how faithful you are to your program. A Plateau is not only frustrating, but often time discourages us, sees many folks beginning to back slide and fall off their program or diet. The next time you are at a plateau, here are FIVE GREAT TIPS to bust through it and climb to the next level as you reach for and attain your goals. 

1. Sometimes, we just need to change our caloric intake for a few days, shake it up as they say. You might be eating a bit too much, or perhaps you need to eat a bit more…just for a few days to get out of your routine, keep the body and its systems a bit off balance. Fact is, internally we will adjust to whatever our caloric intake is, so if you are at a plateau change everything up a bit, adjust the ratio of fats/carbs/protein and see if this temporary change in diet jumpstarts the weight loss again. 

2. Cleanse your system…I have found when I plateau the best way to bust on through to the other side is to schedule and extra Isagenix 9 Day Cleanse into my monthly routine, and increase my water intake. When you think you have drank all you can take, it is time to reach for another glass…or two! 

3. When was the last time you checked your portion sizes? We all seem to be obsessed with weighing ourselves when dieting, but what about weighing our portion sizes. I know for myself that I tend to get away from this part of my routine, and suddenly realize that piece of steak over time has gotten bigger and bigger, the side of noodles WAY MORE THAN I AM ALLOWED. So if you are in a plateau get that food scale out and double check your portion sizes! 

4. Do some strength training…I am not a big one for weight training, but lifting weights (even small amounts with more repetitions) helps build more lean muscle, and muscle burns calories! So, head to your local sporting goods store and invest in a couple of dumb bells, or purchase a set of ankle weights for when you go out walking! 

5. Change up your workout! Walk faster, or increase your distance and time. Maybe skip the walk, turn on some music and DANCE for half an hour instead. New different workouts are going to work different muscle groups, so don’t be afraid to improvise! 

Plateaus can be short in duration…a matter of days or weeks, but they can also be long in duration sometimes lasting months. Do not get discouraged, stay focused on your goals, and CONTINUE WORKING YOUR PROGRAM!...the worst thing you can do is give up and then have to start all over again! Keep tweaking your routines, make little changes until you find the combination to get you past the plateau and moving forward again. 

If you are wanting to lose weight, get fit and lean, please feel free to text me at (845) 346-6523 so we can chat, or get started today on your own Isagenix 30 Day Cleanse by visiting:

Monday, January 21, 2013

Wanting To Lose Weight? What Isagenix Can Do For You!...A Picture Worth 1,000 Words

Less than four months ago I had a HUGE Budda Belly.  Thanks to Isagenix, their Isa Body Challenge, and their 30 Day Cleanse dieting program, I am fast becoming a new, happier healthier person, and so can you.  Visit or text me so we can chat.  (845) 346-6523

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Women and Network Marketing...guest author Andrea Hameed

Thank you to my up line coach and mentor for this well written and timely post on women in network marketing...if you are a stay at home mom, or a woman tired of being stuck in a dead end job that is not taking you where you want and deserve to go, please consider joining my team.

Call or text me today at (845) 346-6523

Why Women Make the Best Network Marketers

About 80% of network marketers are women.  Having more control of our time, flexibility in our schedules is what is key to us.  A lot of our drive and goal comes from wanting to be financially independent while we raise a family. We are able to create a sisterhood of like minded women who have the same goals, the same drive, the same spirit.  We become part of women's group on social media sites and we share our hobby's, our recipes, our joy and our sorrow while we join together in building a business.

We are familiar with home parties, having grown up in the Tupperware, Avon and Pampered Chef party generation that we know how to go out and support other women who are looking to grow a business to help keep us financially free.   We as women do what we are best at - we know how to have a party and we know how to socialize.  We are motivated by the word "discount", "sale", "wholesale" and this is one of the key foundations to the MLM advantage.   Women love to buy - plain and simple.  Getting it cheaper is a great plus.

We have to work the business to be successful, as in all other businesses but, we go about it differently than men.  We don't think about this business as a sales business but instead use terms like getting referrals versus getting leads.  Sharing the product versus selling a product.  If you have a spouse that is supportive of you in your endeavor you are even more fortunate as you have time to go to more seminars, go to trainings and network yourself all over.  If you are in it solo you build the sisterhood to support you to build.

 Besides the wonderful products of Isagenix and for me it was either chocolate or vanilla, Isagenix gave me a vehicle that I could steer while I did my other jobs.   For me it is freedom to be who I am and not compromise any other part of my life.   I have not only built a business, I have built a network of friends and acquaintances from all over the world.   People that I probably would never have met.

I love what I do and would love other women to become part of my team.

Please try this free shake sample and let me know what you think.  I would like to have you join me in this venture.

If you have a moment - can you g+1 me.  Fifth button from the left.

Lost....Isalean Bar....Reward Offered For Safe Enjoyment

Old DeSoto...WOW
I woke this morning after the conclusion of  my "Isa Guru 9 Day Cleanse Challenge" in great spirits, anxious to enjoy my first Isalean shake after the two day Deep Cleanse that ended the challenge.  Looking out my window as I relished my shake, realized it was a perfect day for a; not just a walk, a jaunt...more than that, not quite a hike, maybe a half hike, sort of like someone who does a half marathon before participating in a full out marathon.  Beautiful billowy white clouds looking like marshmellow fluff floating acoss the intense blue sky, their bottoms a steely gray, as if they were thinking about, but had not yet made up their minds to be a storm.  The temperature almost balmy, especially for a day in the middle of know the kind of a day it was, one of those rare days in the middle of winter when you can ditch the heavy winter coat, put on shorts and a thermal hoodie.  The kind of a day where you almost have a duty to get outside and frolic.
Finishing my Isalean shake, I was STOKED, convinced it was my duty to God and country to throw on some hiking shoes and go out for an adventure in the great outdoors...skipping my shower, I got right too the task at hand, getting dressed and gathering the necessary items for my great adventure...
Belt mounted lens case with zoon lens...check
Knit hat...check
Apartment keys...check
Realizing I was probably going to still be out scouting the countryside come lunch time, decided I should take one of my Isalean Bars with me...this was a special day, so grabbed one of my FAVORITES...the one sure to bring a smile to my face.
It was a beautiful day outside, I was anxious to head out, in a hurry...previous experience should have told me this was not wise, but come on, this WAS A PERFECT DAY! was as if Mother Nature herself was beckoning me to come commune with her.  So, checking my gear one last time I pulled the door shut on my apartment, descended the flight of stairs and stepped out onto Main street of our small wee hamlet to greet the sun shining down on me...yes, it was a PERFECT DAY for a half hike, something more than a walk, or a jaunt, a sojourn of sorts to be one with the earth.
I walked up the street, made a left onto Post Hill Road, made another left and headed up to our Rail Trail...always a good start for such an aventure, it's path through time providing numerous opportunities to head off in different directions with each eventually ending up at the same final destination.  I was a man with a plan...or perhaps a goal, or maybe I just wanted to take the day off and go out and enjoy such a beautiful day, a day that we do not often see in the midst of a cold, dark desolate I briskly strolled down the, it was more than  a stroll, my stride had purpose and conviction to it.  It was a beautiful incredible January MONDAY, and I was blowing off work and going on a half hike.  As the Blue's Brothers would say, I was on a mission!
About two miles and a few pictures into this quest a challenge, or was it a canundrum arose...I was thirsty, in need of water.  I went through my various and assorted could I have not remembered to put a bottle of water on my check list? 
There was that brief moment, but then training and experience took over, my time in Boy Scouts and the Navy bringing two quick thoughts to mind...A) Don't panic, and B) Be prepared...have to love that Boy Scout Motto.  As these two thoughts were solidifying in my mind, up the trail on the left I spyed a ancient rock face with a sparking new crop of icecles inviting me to harvest one or two.  I quickly plucked and ate a couple of small ones, then grabbing a larger one in my gloved hand continued down the path my thirst quenched, a disasterious and quick end to my half hike avoided.
I hiked up and down hills, wondered off the trail scampering over slippery rocks to explore this and that, snapping a picture here, picking up an old broken bottle there to hold up to the sun as I admired the color and sparkle seen in the ancient, long discarded glass.  I veered to the left, meandered to the right, always in a round about way heading in the right direction, not a care in the world. 
Somewhere around 1:30 in the afternoon judging by the position of the sun, I realized all this physical excertion had me feeling in need of sustinance.  It was at almost this precise moment of mental clarity that my steps had brought me to the edge of a small babbling stream, a rather large stone (probably a long ago relic left behind during the ice age) that was remarkably suited for sitting offered me a perfect place to enjoy lunch, wash it down with some icy cold water as it made its way down from the mountains that surround our area.
I tamped down the snow around the boulder...had decided it was far to big to be called just a stone.  Carefully laid my camera and other gear in a safe dry place, cupped my hands and had a generous drink of the icy water, reached into my pocket for my Isalean was not in the pocket I had put it in.  Assuming I had mistaken which pocket in which it had been placed, I began methodically checking all my other pockets of which there were many.    Alas, the search over and complete, a sad realization took hold...somewhere along the way in all my trapsing here and there, my beloved Isalean Bar had slipped out of my pocket, was gone!
Now I know what you are thinking..."Sherwood, its just an Isalean Bar, you can get another." 
No, you don't understand...this was not just another Isalean Bar, it was my favorite Isalean Bar, a Chocolate Cream Crisp Isalean Bar, the finest in the land, a delicious low glycemic meal alternative beyond compare!  With tears in my eyes I realized my Chocolate Cream Crisp Isalean Bar was gone, even worse, LOST, alone somewhere in the woods, abandoned and left to fend for itself.  How could I have been so careless?  MY GOD, what had I done...a poor, defenseless yet delicious Chocolate Cream Crisp Isalean Bar laying there, out in the woods, exposed and alone!
Gathering my gear, a bit desolate...AND HUNGRY, I carried on, completed my half hike...I had to, it was a duty bestowed upon me, but throughout the rest of my great adventure, my Isalean Bar was never far from my thoughts, my pangs of hunger a constant reminder of my carelessness.  As the crescent moon hoovers in the cloudy night sky above I find myself worried about that poor bar, wondering if it will be all right, if it will get its chance to fulfill its own destiny of bringing a taste delight to the lips of some fortunate soul, providing them with a nourishing meal in the shape of a bar?
So if you find my beloved Isalean Bar, tear apart the protective water proof foil pack and enjoy your reward.