
Monday, December 31, 2012

Stop By For a New Year's Eve Visit (Happy New Year!...To All My Online Friends)

When I was little there were always friends and family stopping by on this day to bring small gifts, say hello, or sit for a spell and have a drink.   New Year's eve was one of those wonderful fun days where the house was always full of folks.  Got to thinking about it, and thought I would (virtually) open up my house (well, living room) to all my online friends...Facebook, Sokule, Isagenix, stop into my blog for a visit, say hello in the comments section, and enjoy for a few minutes before moving on to visit other friends and head out to parties as we bring in the New Year!

A Happy New Year To One and ALL

Sunday, December 30, 2012

The ViSalus Healthy Shake...Is It Really ALL THAT HEALTHY?

I made a comment on Twitter wherein I stated a couple of basic truths in comparing our 100 percent natural Isalean Shakes to the ViSalus Shake.

1.  Our shake is a nutritionally balanced 240 Calorie meal, packed with premium nutrition that includes a balanced ratio of high-quality protein, healthy fats and energy-boosting carbohydrates, IsaLean Shakes support weight loss and an increase in lean body mass. IsaLean Shakes contain no artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners or preservatives.  The Visalus Shake as a stand alone nutritional supplement is not a meal at only 90 calories.

2.  Our shake mixed with water tastes great...the Visalus shake requires the addition of eight ounces of milk, does not mix well with water, which instantly makes it a no go product for those who are lactose intolerant.

Today on Twitter, a Visalus rep took exception to my Tweet and posted this to me:
@theisaguru once you add your milk an  d use one of our recipes you have 250-300 healthy clean calories! do your research!
Let's not let it be said that I do not do my research.  I went right to the source, and started looking at some of the Visalus recipes that create these so called HEALTHY CLEAN CALORIES.

8-10 Ounces of Low Fat Skim Milk...32 percent of your daily calcium for the day.   Right at 100 calories for 10 ounces.  (Purchase price of milk not included in ViSalus pricing structure.)

2 Scoops of ViSalus Shake mixture.

1-2 Tablespoons of Oreo Pudding mix.  80 Calories (give or take).  This is a processed food full of various toxins used as preservatives.  Hello, we are supposed to be detoxing our bodies, not contaminating them.  Almost no vitamins...see for yourself here.  (Purchase price of pudding mix not  not included in ViSalus pricing structure.)

A drop or two of mint extract.   (Purchase price of mint extract not included in ViSalus pricing structure.)

1 Tablespoon of Cocoa   (Purchase price of Cocoa not included in ViSalus pricing structure.)

This is just one recipe, and it seems to come in at about 270 Calories (30 more than our Isalean shakes), and you are required to go out and purchase 4 industrialized  processed food products for this recipe.  How often are you going to want to have this particular shake recipe in a week, in a month? 

Our Isalean Chocolate or Vanilla shakes...two scopes of product, some water, a few ice cubes, blend and enjoy.  Additional outside sourced grocery items for our meal in a shake...ZERO with no extra added costs to create our shake.  Visalus shakes rely on processed foods to complete their recipes, our shakes are all inclusive, and made from all natural healthy ingredients. 

When you compare apples to apples, Isagenix Isalean shakes are hands down the best and most nutritional meal replacement shakes out there.

Some other PROCESSED industrial foods that ViSalus recipes call for include Jello Cheese Cake mix (puddings include gelatin...gelatin is made using animal hoofs, hides, and intestines), pretzels, concentrated Orange Juice, PROCESSED Apple Sauce, PROCESSED Graham Crackers, CONCENTRATED Cranberry Juice, Instant Coffee (contains the Category 2 Carcinogenix acrylamide...YUMMY)

So, if you are an athlete, a triathlete looking to build lean muscle, increase energy, improve performance, if you are someone wanting to improve your health and lose weight, you are encourage to do a fair comparison of Isagenix and ViSalus, and if you do, I am certain you will choose Isagenix, the healthy SUPERFOOD CHOICE.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Get Your FREE Isagenix Enrollment! Expires At Stroke of Midnight January 3, 2013

10 Free Isagenix Enrollments!

This offer will expire at the stroke of Midnight on January 3rd, 2013…the official starting time of the “Isa Guru 9 Day Cleanse Challenge.  If you are one of the first ten people to sign up, and order a 30 Day Cleanse Pak, I will reimburse you the cost of your one year enrollment fee.  So, if you are thinking about dieting, getting fit and healthy in 2013, consider this.

McDonald’s runs ads offering us their McDonald’s Breakfast Dollar menu…what a deal, every bad for you, toxin filled item on the list can be had for just ONE DOLLAR on their ala’carte menu.  A couple of egg McMuffin’s, some hash browns and a cup of coffee...$4.00 breakfast of dead bankrupt calories, dangerous toxins, sodium, fat and who knows what else…WHAT A BARGAIN.

Imagine instead starting out your day with a tasty (chocolate or vanilla) Isalean Shake (a SUPER FOOD) that has 240 nutritious calories that include over 90 building blocks, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that boost your immune system, and help keep you healthy from the inside out at a cellular level…and they taste DELICIOUS. 

If you are ready to claim success in your dieting, are ready to lose that weight that has been hanging around for years, join my team and claim a free enrollment in the process!

Did I mention that your enrollment also starts you on the road to financial independence as a Isagenix Representative?  This is the perfect opportunity for moms looking to work from home, and consider this…Isagenix’s newest three millionaires ARE WOMEN.  Sign up today and let’s get you started on your road to success.

Enroll and order your 30 Day Cleanse Program…just click on the link, and the 30 day plan is there!

Contact me directly:  Sherwood Martinelli-The Isa Guru (845) 693-4513 and I will walk you through the entire enrollment process, and coach you to successful weight loss in 2013!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Getting Fit, Losing Weight Brings Up Other Issues...Cleansing

Gathering Up Christmas
Like most Americans, I put on weight over the holidays...being more aware of my body as a result of my own Isagenix journey, my eyes focused on my goals, did not PACK IT ON like I used to, but did put on a few pounds that I am working on losing.  To that end, have invited many of my Facebook friends, and people I do not even know to participate in what I am calling the "Isa Guru's 9 Day Cleanse Challenge"...a way for all of us to giving our New Year's resolution of losing weight, being healthier a great jump start while having some fun and perhaps making some new friends, deepening our relationships with other friends. As I prepare for the cleanse, pack up Christmas here in my apartment have been giving some thought to the concept of cleansing.
The dictionary defines cleanse-To free from dirt, defilement, or guilt; purge or clean.
In the case of our upcoming group cleanse, we are freeing our bodies from the environmental toxins that defile our bodies on a cellular level, cleaning our bodies from the inside out.  Yet, picking up and packing up Christmas here in my apartment, looking at my Isagenix journey so far, realize in some ways that I need to implement other "Cleanses" in my life, some of which are hard to contemplate as doing them requires soul searching,  making tough choices.

Two years ago I moved out of a very large old Victorian home into my small two bedroom apartment here in Mountaindale, New York leaving a lot of things I had cherished behind because there just was not enough space in my new abode.  Some call that downsizing, but in some ways looking back on it and looking forward it was a form of cleansing even if not a cleansing of a voluntary nature.  What I have realized today, is that as much as I let go in that move, my apartment contains WAY TO MUCH STUFF, some of which I really need to part with.  In short, my apartment needs a CLEANSE, and that I am afraid is going to be a painful process.

Was putting away clothes when I suddenly realized that I have a LOT of shirts.  I did not count them all, giving up on the task at the number 75 though there is at least twice that number.  Believe that 75 constitutes a LOT, and know that I have no real use for that many shirts...problem is, as I thumbed through the closet examining them, thinking I should bag up some to donate to Goodwill, I realized each of them in some way holds a special memory of times and places long ago past.  They in some way represent a historical view, a timeline of my life, each bringing back the when and where of how the shirt came into my life.

Such inventory taking saw me sitting in the living room counting objects tucked away in cabinets, handing on walls, and openly displayed on various tables and shelves.   Looking at these things, I began recalling again the moments when they came into my life, seeing faces of the people that had gifted them to me, some of them no longer in my life...thinking about cleansing my space, once again downsizing my possessions I felt suddenly old, my apartment feeling more like a museum than a warm cozy home. Sometimes, letting go is no easy task.

Perhaps for me, the hardest part of this line of thought is realizing there is not a lot of reason to hold on to much of what I have, there is no one to pass it down to, no one with which to leave my cherished family heirlooms.  Children were not something I was blessed with in this life, and have no real family to speak of, brothers and sisters like the seven winds blown in various directions around the globe, none of us close with the other.  

Perhaps therein is the true difficulty for me in the large stock of possessions I own...they, the memories they represent in some way are my children, cared for, cherished...sounds silly, but have spent my entire life collecting for the most part life's abandoned odds and ends, given them a home as my collection has grown.  Old books, mismatched (some even with chips) old bone china cups with saucers, a child's sled, even an old chello its strings still pulled tight as it waits for someone to take bow in hand.  I think of downsizing, cleansing away the things that I really do not need and wonder what is to happen to them, to afraid at times to think of them ending up in some rubbish heap, no one willing to give them a home.

As I get ready for our Group Cleanse, think I will start with the shirts in my's a beginning, and looking back at the start of my Isagenix journey, seeing how far I have come in just three months, who knows where my apartment cleanse will end up taking me.


Thursday, December 27, 2012

40 Tips For a Better You In 2013

We all want to change and be better people in the upcoming New Year.  Here are 40 tips gathered together to help each of us along the way.  Print them, and put them on the frig for 2013 and refer to them often.  May everyone who reads this have a Happy and Prosperous 2013 blessed with beautiful memories and many successes both in your life, and in your career.

1. Walk 10-30 minute walk daily. 10 minutes in morning, 20 minutes before dinner.
2. Meditate at least 10 minutes daily. Sit alone, close your eyes, and clear your mind.
3. Turn the TV off at bedtime, let your mind rest.
4. When you wake up in the morning, complete following statement: "My purpose today is _____________."
5. Live  each day with the three E’s: Energy, Enthusiasm, Empathy.
6. Watch more movies, play more games, and read more books than you did in 2012.
7. Spend more time with people over age 70 and under age six.  Volunteer at old age home.
8. Dream more while you are awake.
9. Eat more raw foods that grow on trees and plants, and less food manufactured in plants.
10. Drink green tea and plenty of water. Proper hydration is important for our bodies.
11. Try to make at least three people smile each and every day.
12. Clear your clutter from house, car, desk, and mind,  let new positive energy into your life.
13. Don’t waste energy on gossip, past issues, negative thoughts, things you can’t control.
14. Realize life is a school and you are here to learn. The lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
15. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.
16. Smile and laugh more.
17. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still better than the alternative.
18. Life is too short to waste time hurting anyone, including ourselves.
19. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
20. You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree, or even let the other person win.
21. Make peace with your past so it won’t spoil your present and shrink your future.
22. Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is about.
23. Burn candles, use nice sheets, rather than saving it for a special occasion. Today is special.
24. No one is in charge of your happiness except you, so stop blaming others.
25. Frame every so-called disaster with these words “In five years, will this matter?”
26. Forgive everyone everything.
27. What other people think of you is none of your business.
28. Time heals almost everything. Give time, time.
29. However good or bad a situation is it will change like the weather.
30. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch with them.
31. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful, or joyful. Stuff is stifling.
32. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need, even if you think you don't.
33. In life, the best is yet to come.
34. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, and show up.  Unplugging from life is no answer.
35. Do the right thing even if you don't want to.
36. Call your parents and children often.
37. Each night before you go to bed, answer the sentence,  “I am thankful for_______.” and “Today I accomplished _________.”
38. Remember you are blessed to be stressed.
39. Enjoy the ride. Remember this is not Disneyland and you certainly don’t want a “fast pass.”
40. Add your own #40 and have a great 2013 and a great life.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

2013 New Year's 9 Day Cleanse Challenge! Join Me In Losing Those Holiday Love Handles! Starts on Thursday January 3, 2013!

Starting on Thanksgiving, and going clear through December and past January first (especially this year with January 1 falling on a Tuesday) we Americans feast, snack, nibble and gorge our way through the HOLIDAYS.  On average we pack on 8-10 pounds of weight during this six week period from Thanksgiving through New Years!

Join me and others, and together lets lose those "Holiday Love Handles", shed the festive fluff and get our 2013 weight loss goals off to a GREAT START!  Be a part of the "Holiday Nine Day Cleanse Challenge" which starts on Thursday January 3rd, 2013 and in nine days we ALL WILL BE WEIGHT LOSS WINNERS!
Isa Guru's 9 Day Cleanse Challenge...JUMP START YOUR 2013 WEIGHT LOSS
January 3-4 (Thursday and Friday)        2 Pre-Cleanse Days (Isalean Shake Days)
January 4-5 (Saturday and Sunday)       2 Cleanse Days (With Cleanse for Life) 
January 6-10 (Monday-Friday)              5 Shake Days (Isalean Shake Days)

January 11-12 (Saturday and Sunday)   2 Cleanse Days (With Cleanse for Life)
If you do not have your Isagenix 9 Day Cleanse, please contact me immediately so we can arrange having one shipped to you!

Challenge Leader-Sherwood Martinelli
Home:  (845) 693-4513
Cell:     (845) 346-6523

Contact me, or visit this link to order your Isagenix 9 Day Cleanse Kit today!
  • Join Isa Guru's 9 Day Cleanse Challenge Group on Facebook!  (Closed Group)
  • Visit and Like my Facebook Business Page
  • Friend me on Facebook and get free coaching and support during the challenge.
  • One lucky participant chosen at random will receive $100 worth of FREE ISAGENIX PRODUCT!

Christmas is Over...Time For New Year's Resolutionss

The Christmas Holidays, the feasting are over, tins of cookies, treats wrapped and in the refrigerator a reminder of a time that always comes and goes far to quickly.  The season is one of reflection and some melancholy sadness mixed with the joy and celebration for many of us, myself included.  My Dad was born on Christmas, but he also died on this special day.  This coming spring will mark 20 years since my Mom's passing, and baking cookies always brings her front and center in my mind as I dig out the same recipes she always used, careful to bake the cookies just the way she taught me how to when I was but a lad.

I drove home today, the ride a solitary one, racing to beat the snow storm that is now coming down just outside my window as I type.  In short, the heat beating away the chill, my apartment warm and cozy even though I sit alone is a perfect time to reflect on the year past and give thought to what kinds of resolutions to make in the New Year, being realistic in my assignments, creating a list of resolutions I might actually be able to keep.

In some ways this year's resolutions seem easier to put down on life is changing in some very good ways, and I want to share what I have found with others.  So, with that thought in mind, here are my resolutions.

1.  Continue on my Isagenix Weight Loss program that so far has seen me lose over 20 pounds and drop two waist sizes.
2.  Get better organized so that I can more effectively share the magic that is Isagenix with others.  
3.  Work on my smoking...really want to quit, but all of my previous attempts regarding cigarettes have been met with what can only be described as dismal failure.
4.  I have to move in 2013, and that requires me really accessing my life, what it is that I both want and what I need in a new place to live.   
5.  Spend more time learning, and refining my photographic skills.  I love taking pictures, have a beautiful camera, and it is time I really dig into fully understanding it.

What are your own New Year's Resolutions?  If they include losing weight, finding more energy, building more lean muscle, and feeling healthier, maybe we can help each other.  Isagenix is helping me lose weight, and has me feeling healthier than I have felt in years...I want to share that magic with others, use my knowledge and coaching skills to help others lose weight and keep it off...if you are one of those people truly wanting to change your life in 2013, lets talk.
Top Ten New Year's Resolutions
  • Drink Less Alcohol
  • Eat Healthy Food
  • Get a Better Education
  • Get a Better Job
  • Get Fit
  • Lose Weight
  • Manage Debt
  • Manage Stress
  • Quit Smoking
  • Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
  • Save Money
  • Take a Trip
  • Volunteer to Help Others

Friday, December 21, 2012

Mom's Hungarian Butterhorn Recipe...A Great Christmas Cookie

Even on a diet, we can still treat ourselves and our family to some Holiday Treats...I've lost over 20 pounds on Isagenix, been baking now for three days and had ONE COOKIE so that I can indulge a bit on Christmas while still keeping my eye on the prize of reaching my weight goal for this month of being under 170 pounds.  

One of my fondest memories from childhood was baking Christmas cookies with my mom.  She was always smiling, happy, and loved the company...every great baker needs someone to lick the beaters and put the cookie sheets in the oven.  My own favorite cookie from those days where Mom's Hungarian Butterhorns.  It was a family secret.  With the advent of the internet, those family recipes are not so secret any more, and there is a good chance that the "Family Recipe" has been a favorite Christmas cookie in many homes for generations, just as in my own family.  For me though, the recipe and the cookies created from it will always be Mom's Hungarian Butterhorns.  If you love to bake, and if you love presenting a spectacular cookie, this one is for you.

Mom's Hungarian Butterhorns

Tip...when rolling out dough for this, other pastries and pie dough, use powdered sugar!  OMG, the sweetest crust you will ever bite into.

Preheat oven to 375 before rolling out dough.
Roll out dough With Powdered Sugar


4 Cups Flour (I always sift it once measured.)
1 teaspoon salt
1 packet yeast (I prefer the cake kind.)
1 1/4 cup butter...NOT MARGARINE!
3 egg yolks (Save the whites for later use.)
1 Cup Sour Cream
1 teaspoon Pure Vanilla extract (not the imitation kind)

In mixer cream butter.  Blend in egg yolks, yeast, vanilla and sour cream.  Slowly begin adding flour using kneading hook (if you have one).  My mom used to do this part by hand.  Form large ball, cut into four wedges, make new small dough balls and place in frig for at least four hours, or overnight.

Fresh Out Of Oven
Filling Ingredients

3 Egg Whites
1 Cup Sugar
1 Cup finely chopped pecans.
1 teaspoon Pure Vanilla Extract

Beat egg whites till they begin to get foamy and air filled.  Slowly add in Vanilla, and then the sugar beating at med high speed to make your meringue.  Gently fold in pecans.

Roll out dough in a nice big circle (about 12 inches).  You want the dough nice and thin, and easy to roll.  Cut into eight pie shaped pieces.  Spoon in filling and roll up into a crescent roll shape and place on cookie sheet.   Bake 15-20 minutes until the cookies are a beautiful golden brown.  Remove from oven and carefully put cookies on cooling racks and immediately (and delicately) sprinkle powdered sugar over them.

One or two of these with a festive Isagenix Isalean Shake is a perfect start to Christmas morning as you slip downstairs in your robe to get everyone a wee bite of breakfast before the unwrapping of gifts begin.  Let me gift you a free Isalean Shake as a gift for visiting, and hopefully baking my Mom's Hungarian Butterhorns.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Tips To Win Holiday Battle of The Bulge

Click For Free Isalean Shake
The average American will gain between eight and ten pounds during this festive time of the year.  That does not have to happen, and you can win your "Battle of The Bulge" this holiday season.  I've lost 20 pounds in the last two months, and do not want to put half of it back on during the Holidays as I attend parties, find myself tempted by all those Christmas goodies that are just to readily available everywhere I do, and am sure many are in that same boat.  So, here are a few tips to help you win the holiday battle of the bulge.
1.  If you are dieting, working at losing all that unhealthy fat that has slowed you down for years, keep your eye on the prize...a happier, healthy you.  Staying focused on what is truly important is a great way to face temptation and win.
2.  Avoid over inbibing...alcohol is dead calories, they have nothing in them, and our bodies burn those calories first, leaving everything else there to be stored as fat.  Furthermore, alcohol lowers our inhibitions, and you do not want to find yourself grazing at the buffet table after two or three drinks do you?
3.  Host your own party!  It is a lot easier to find healthy nutritious food at a party you plan and host! 
4.  Stay active!  Get up 15 minutes early and go for a walk, and do another walk just before dinner.  The holidays are busy and hectic, and it is easy to miss out on our workouts, so this small walks can help a lot in winning the battle of the bulge.
5.  "Just say NO!"  It is your body, and you can just politely say no when the plate of cookies is passed around.  It is a lot easier to say no than it will be to lose 8-10 pounds in the New Year if you over indulge in the Holiday FEASTING!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

You've heard me say it in my other posts, dieting is not enough if you truly want to lose your unsightly pounds and keep them off.
You've got to cleanse your body of the toxins that keep you fat. Before you start any "diet," the most important thing you must do is a "chemical cleanse." (I didn't really believe that until I actually did the cleanse and then saw the weight loss difference.) The foods that most people eat on a daily basis are loaded with chemicals and these chemicals actually interfere with the body's ability to balance and cleanse itself so that it can lose and then maintain a healthy weight.  The Isagenix 30 Day Cleanse is a great way to accomplish this chemical cleanse.
I started using Isagenix, the world's leader in nutritional cleansing and their IsaLean Shakes helped me balance my minerals, protein and nutrition so I could finally shed my unwanted pounds. If it works for me, it can probably work for you too. Give it a try, get your FREE sample of the IsaLean Shake by clicking this link and thank me later!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Does Your Weight Embarrass You, Cause You Shame?

20 Pounds Lighter
Tough questions indeed, the answer to which I would not have wanted to admit too just under three months ago.  I struggled to fit into my jeans, my stomach hanging obscenely over the top by some five or so inches.  I hid that shame with humor, telling people rubbing my "Budda Belly' would bring them good luck, or blaming the large stomach on medical issues, always saying I'd had trouble controlling my weight after my gall bladder surgery.  Excuses aside, I was embarrassed about my weight, disliking my own appearance, especially when standing sideways looking in the mirror, the silhouette from the old Alfred Hitchcock show starring out at me from the other side.  I hated it, but my attempts to lose that stomach were futile.
What changed?  In a word, Isagenix.  I tried their 30 Day Cleanse program, and the results were so remarkable I followed the program for a second month, and am now on my third.  In that time, I am down to a 36 inch waist, fitting comfortably into my pants, no gut hanging over the top edge.  I've lost over 30 total body inches, and I feel like a new person...more importantly, that embarrassment is receding, the shame I felt all but gone.  That is a blessing, a Christmas gift I gave myself that is changing my life, and who I am.  I have a lot to be thankful for.
If you have tried dieting and failed, if you find yourself sitting late at night alone, feeling that guilt, shame and embarrassment that being overweight brings us, you can lose all of it.  I invite you to try a free sample of Isagenix, invite you to visit my Isagenix site and read up on the 30 Day Cleanse.  If you decide to give Isagenix the opportunity to help you in the way it has helped me, I will be right by your side offering you great coaching, and the best support you could ever hope for in your journey to bringing out that beautiful you that has always been hiding inside.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

With 79 Million Baby Boomers Wanting to Age Gracefully, Now Is The Time for Isagenix Product B Antioxidants Plus Telomere Support

With 79 million of us,  we aging Baby Boomers make up around 25 percent of America's population, and we are intent on the task of aging gracefully, and fully enjoying our Golden Years.  Yoga classes, aerobics, spas and hot tubs on our back porches are just a few of the things we employ to stay younger longer, and to be in shape as we approach that time when we retire from our jobs and head off into the proverbial sunset to persue personal endeavors and enjoy life.  Now, thanks to the wonderful people at Isagenix, we can take another big step in staying healthy longer with their remarkable Product B™ Antioxidants Plus Telomere Support.

“Only one system has it all. The Total Health & Longevity System™ combines all of the Isagenix Pillars of Health and provides the ultimate experience in Whole-Body Nutritional Cleansing, Cellular Replenishing and Youthful Aging.”

Jim Coover, Isagenix CEO, President and Co-Founder
Sure everyone reading this, every one of the 79 million Baby Boomers have one question, "Why does everyone need Product B™ Antioxidants Plus Telomere Support?"  Being a simple man, my answer of, "Because it works" would probably be inadequate, so thought I would let the brilliant scientists who researched and created this breakthrough supplement explain it to you in their easy to understand three minute YouTube video.
As you watch this video, consider using Product B™ Antioxidants Plus Telomere Support, remember just how big of a break through others see this product being as is noticed by the attention it is getting from some heavy hitters...Featured in Popular Science and Elle magazines, nominated for the People’s Choice “Favorite New Products” Stevie Award (the “Oscar” of the business world).

Product B in Just 3 Minutes

Get the lowest price by purchasing it as an Isagenix® Associate and add it to your Autoship today! If you want more information, or are ready to order the product, please feel free to contact me:

Sherwood Martinelli
Isagenix Website
Email:  Isagenix Guru
Phone: (845) 693-4513

Addition Information:

What should I know about Product B Antioxidants plus Telomere Support?

Product B positively supports telomere health by combining scientific breakthroughs in telomere support and the benefits of antioxidants in youthful aging. Product B helps maintain youthful function of cells and healthy telomeres so you can live a longer, healthier life.

How can I benefit from using Product B Antioxidants plus Telomere Support?

Product B’s full spectrum of natural bioactive antioxidants helps fight the effects of free radicals and oxidative stress, which can accelerate aging and contribute to poor health.

  • Helps maintain youthful function of cells and healthy telomeres
  • Helps protect the body from harmful free radicals that can accelerate aging and contribute to poor health
  • Targets the sources of aging, such as oxidative stress

Wanting To Lose Weight in The New Year? Start Off Right With a Isagenix Free Sample

We all know the routine...somewhere after Christmas, and before we ring in the New Year on December 31we sit down and evaluate the past year, make a list of New Year's resolutions we want to keep.   Usually, many of us include on that list getting healthy, losing weight, and finding that energy we lost somewhere along the way.  We mean well, are even dedicated to the tasks we have laid out for ourselves.  Problem is, too often those resolutions fail as we fall short of our goals.
Well, lets change that for 2013.  You can attain your weight and health goals in 2013!  You just need the right tools, the right motivation, and a product that gives you the winning edge!  That product line, in my opinion, is Isagenic and their 30 Day Cleanse Program.  Imagine waking up on February 1st, 2013 and getting on your scale to find you have lost 15, 20 even 25 pounds, taking a measuring tape and measuring your body to find you have lost 20 or so inches of your body mass.  Well, with Isagenix and the 30 Day Cleanse program you can make that happen.
To get you started on your journey to a new, healthier, happier you in 2013, I'd like to introduce you to Isagenix by giving you a free sample of the product.   Just click this link and follow the instructions and your Isagenix Free Sample will be on its way to you.  Try it out, and then lets get you on the Isagenix 30 Day Cleanse and on your way to a new you in 2013.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Should Santa Claus Be On Isagenix and In Isagenix Body Challenge?

Santa Needs a Energy BOOST
Jolly old St. Nicklaus, or Santa Claus is a merry old soul with a bag full of goodies and toys.  You have to love Santa's sleigh and eight reindeer, not to mention perhaps tens of thousands of elves working tirelessly all year long for Christmas about a major potential down line, and that does not count those lists he has been making now for how many decades?  Can you imagine how fast he could go executive...some of those elves are pretty plumb themselves. 
All this aside, lets face it...Santa has a serious weight problem...guessing here from some of the Christmas Cards, postcards and pictures I have seen, this Saint has to be tipping the scale at 350 maybe even 400 pounds.  All those cookies, cakes and glasses of milk, and guessing he might have some other health issues as well.  I can so see him as a member of the Isagenix 100 Pound club speaking at the NYKO event!  How cool would that be?  Santa trotting out onto the stage with his eight reindeer weighing maybe 220 pounds and talking to everyone about just how much he enjoys his morning and afternoon IsaLean shakes...what a testimonial that would be.
Might be wrong here, but guessing dear old Saint Nick would be a shoe in to win the Isagenix Body Challenge once he was dedicated to being a product of the product.   Who could resist a jolly old man with rosy cheeks, twinkling eyes, a great head of hair, and that laugh which is so contagious!  Can't you see him coming out onto stage followed by his eight reindeer, his sleigh full of wonderful Isagenix goodies and treats for everyone in the audience?  The standing room only crowd chanting, "SANTA, SANTA, SANTA".
One thing is for sure...Right or left, I would want Santa in my down line!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Wanted...Ten Savvy, Seasoned, Smart, Over Weight Network Marketers

Sure everyone can figure out why I want to find 10 savvy, seasoned smart network marketing people.  They know how it works, already know what it takes to make money in the business.  I don't know network marketing (but learning fast), but I do know the best way to be successful is to surround yourself with successful people with knowledge in your field of choice.  So why do I want 10 overweight network marketers? 
It has been my experience that the best salespeople believe in the product they are presenting to a prospective client...I work for Isagenix, and in my opinion it is the best product in the world for those who need to lose weight.  I am a product of the product, having lost 20 pounds in my first two months on the product using the 30 Day Cleanse program.  I know in my heart that ten savvy, seasoned, smart, overweight network marketers who commit to the Isagenix Weight Loss program for 90 days, who become a product of the product will believe in the product...that is a winning combination...belief in the product combined with all the skills needed to be successful in network marketing.
So, if you are an overweight savvy, seasoned, smart network marketer who knows how to close who is looking for the next great financial opportunity in your storied career join my team today...I can help you lose weight, find health and build wealth and you can help me become a great network marketer...a winning combination for everyone involved.
Jumpstart your journey today with one of our Fast Track President's Paks
If you’re ready to jumpstart your health and build your Isagenix® business, these business/family paks have everything you need, including free membership and a broad assortment of top-selling products and marketing tools. The business/family paks are a proven path to success. We offer three. Are you interested in weight loss, energy and performance or healthy aging?

Weight Loss President’s Pak This pak has plenty of products to share with friends and family who are interested in healthy weight loss, better body composition and optimum health. This comprehensive pak also has an assortment of powerful marketing tools to jumpstart your Isagenix business.

Performance President’s Pak This pak is for active people looking to build lean muscle, enhance performance and reduce recovery times. With extra products to share and a broad range of powerful marketing tools, this pak will get your business off the ground and running.

Healthy Aging President’s Pak This pak is for anyone interested in youthful aging and building an Isagenix business. It contains all of our advanced products… like our cutting-edge Product B antioxidants plus telomere support… as well as an assortment of professional marketing tools that present the powerful opportunity for exceptional health and wealth with Isagenix.

Are You Ready To Lose Weight In The New Year...Isagenix 30 Day Cleanse Explained.

There are only 20 days left in 2012, a new year literally around the corner.  Are you ready for that newe year, are you wanting to effect positive healthy change in your life, wanting to lose weight and become that NEW YOU in 2013?  Isagenix can give you a jump start with our 30 Day Cleanse program.  Watch this short video...Kjersti Cote (the Mineral Man's daughter) explains the use and value of the 30 Day Cleanse program to us. Using this program the way it was designed by John Anderson is the fastest way to get to reach the goals that we set for ourselves in 2013. 
After watching the video, get in touch with me and let me coach you to the body and health of your dreams in 2013.

Sherwood Martinelli-Isa Guru
(845) 693-4513...If I am away from the phone, please leave a message and I will return your call.

Monday, December 10, 2012

New Cancer Isa Survivor's Support Group Forms On Facebook

Candace...Founder...IsaSurvivors Group
Cancer is something I am intimately familiar with in my life...I've not been stricken with it, but know its face all too intimately.  Cancer changes people, changes families and too often the battle fought by many, as gallant as that battle was is a battle lost, a life a soul taken from us too soon. 
Five days ago I saw a post in one of the Isa groups from one Candace Tweady Woods who was wanting to start a Isa support group for cancer patients, their families, friends and caregivers. 
There is one beautiful thing about cancer...everyone who's life it has ever touched is part of a very large extended family.  You can be sitting alone all by yourself in the waiting room while your loved one is in surgery, and someone will come over and sit beside you and start up a conversation, give you words of encouragement telling you it is all going to be just fine.  I've been on both sides of that coin, both giving and recieving those words so desparately needed in that time of darkness.  As someone who has been touched by cancer, Candace's idea of starting such a support group brought tears to my eyes...I wanted it to happen, wanted to see a group formed where people could come for support, or to vent, even just to cry through their own written words.
Woke up Saturday morning, and as I always do, after pouring my morning coffee went online to check Facebook only to find that the group had gone from dream into reality.  So, a special thank you to Candace Tweady Woods for providing members of the Isagenix family whose lives have been touched by cancer a very special place all their own.  It is a closed group on Facebook, but if you have had your life touched by cancer, if you are looking for a group of caring, loving people that understand because they have walked your walk, please visit the group and request to join.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Eating Healthy and Organic...Putting It In Perspective

I live in a small somewhat rural community in New are hard to come by, and for many families money is tight.  Much like organic food sources, Isagenix is healthy, but the cost on the surface seems prohibitive to a lot of folks.  Sign someone up for a 30 Day Cleanse Pack and that person needs right at $320 in the organic eggs at the store, and you are looking at around $3.59 a dozen verse paying less than two bucks for the not so healthy eggs.  Boneless chicken breasts pumped up with nasty stuff can be had for about $1.99 a pound, while organically raised chicken can run around $6.00 a pound.  People, parents, families want to eat healthy, want to avoid the toxins, but cost seems to be a serious barrier that needs to be overcome.
More than once since I began sharing what I consider to be the magic of Isagenix with friends and family they have been very interested in trying the products until the price issue came up.  Lets face it, eventually we will be getting our SUPER FOOD for free, but not in the front door.  It is easy to say, "Can you really put a price tag on your families health?"  That might be an easy answer, but probably not the right answer when price seems to be the issue holding many people back from eating and living healthy, finding the them they really want to be.
A friend of mine tries to be healthy, but she is raising two children, one of them a teenage boy who eats like a horse.  All healthy organic foods  are out of the question, and the budget so it becomes a balancing chicken, but Skippy Peanut Butter on sale.  $1.99 hamburger in the tube to make meatloaf with, but healthy organic vegetables.  Other people are in the same boat, or they find themselves asking, "are healthy organic foods really worth it?  Choices...some good, some bad, but choices they need to make.
A 2 tablespoon serving of peanut butter supplies 25 percent of your daily intake of fat, according to the nutrition label. Who has a sandwich with just 2 tablespoons of peanut butter on it?

Perhaps that is the question to answer first when trying to convince people to eat healthier foods, to come on board with Isagenix.  Are there choices, even better choices that can be made that would make Isagenix, organic foods the affordable choice?  
It is a tough question to answer, but there are some facts that should make it clear that industrially produced and processed foods are not the safest choice for ourselves and our families.  As example, organic foods have 31 percent lower levels of pesticides, fewer food-borne pathogens and more phenols, a substance believed to help fight cancer.  We live in a toxic world, and though some might wish to deny it, our bodies have become toxic waste dumps in the name of saving a few dollars on the grocery bill so the kids can be put in braces, or there is enough money left over to make the monthly car payment.
Organic foods, the healthy natural ingredients found in Isagenix products are better for us, will make us healthier happier people.  In the long run, organic foods, the Super Food that is Isagenix (I believe) will save us money too, is a much better choice to make...a healthier person is far less likely to find themselves with those unexpected medical bills that we seem to forget about till they crop up.  Even with good health insurance, an unexpected illness (cancer as example) can cost a family thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars in unexpected costs.   A healthier person or family free (or almost free) of the environmental toxins from the food we eat, even the air we breath  is far less likely to find themselves dropping $50 here and $100 there at the local drug store or paying a visit to the family all adds up. 

The typical household (including residents of all ages) spent $3,313 on health care in 2011, compared to $2,771 in 2001, after adjusting for inflation.

What are the costs to individuals, to the family of obesity?  The CDC states that 34 percent of our American population is obese...what are the costs of this to a family's budget?  What are the costs to the emotional well being of an obese person, the costs to their family.  What if eating a super food saw a person shedding pounds, feeling better, and having more energy...would cost still be an issue?  If families could look into a crystal ball say six months or a year down the line and see the advantages of making better food and diet choices, would they find the money to make the switch?  Would they choose to eliminate certain things from their life to live the reality of being happy and healthy?
I have no studies, only my own antedotal example as proof, but believe if you factor everything in that Isagenix is actually a bargain.  My own grocery bill has been significantly less since being on Isagenix...two of my meals each day are Isalean Shakes, so I am not having to shop for breakfast or lunch most days of the month, not grabbing something on the run and tossing a ten dollar bill at the cashier.  Right now, doing the 30 Day plan sees me not buying any food four days of the month when I am doing my Cleanse days. 
Since being on the product, not running through the McDonald's drive thru for a burger and the works and handing over $12, not stopping at Starbuck's for a $4 cup of coffee...not to mention that pastry or brownie I just HAD TO HAVE I am staying within my own budget.  The food I am eating is A) healthy, and B) in smaller portions...finding as I get healthier, am losing weight that I am not gorging msyelf.  In short, if I look at those savings,  at my improving health, the extra amount it is costing me each month to be on Isagenix, to be healthy and happy is well worth it.
In short, I've made choices...families make choices.  Getting your child braces is a necessity, but is taking them once or twice a week through the McDonald's drive thru a necessity...more importantly is it really GOOD FOR THEM?  Would you rather have a healthy fit child in Walmart sneakers, or a overweight sullen child in $150 Nike's? 
OK, Isagenix is expensive, but put the product, put organic foods into perspective, and look at the choices you currently are making, and then ask yourself again, "Can I afford Isagenix, wholesome organic foods for myself and my family?"   Maybe, just maybe some different choices will show you that getting and being healthier is not only worth it, but affordable if you are willing to let go of a few of those things that are not really good for you and your family.