
Friday, November 30, 2012

Testimonial...NEW CLOTHES For A New Me.

Ever have one of those days when you feel like George Peppard, chomping his cigar as he says, "I love it when a plan comes together."  As most of the people following my journey know, I have been on Isagenix for just shy of two months, am at the tail end of my second 30 Day Cleanse cycle, and the results of this diet, this lifestyle change have been phenomenal.  I am not where I am heading too, but am a changed man in so many ways, most noticable of which is my physical appearance.  All of my pants were severely stretched 38 and 40 inch waist pants that I had struggled to fit into, my Budda Belly hanging over the tops by several inches, the fabric leaving markings every night that were noticable at bed time.
In two months, those same pants were HANGING off of me, wanting to fall off if I did not cinch up my belt to the point where I looked like a country bumpkin walking around in the big city...can we say out of place?  I decided a trip to Kohl's was in order...a part of my decision having to do with in store sales at 40-60 percent off, and that was before I used a very convenient 25 percent off coupon if I spent $100...can we say incentive?
This is where the George Peppard A Team reference comes in...
As I am shopping, looking at various and assorted things...IE, some really nice boots that were originally priced at $90 marked down to $43...don't forget, 25 percent off of the $43 dollars quickly has these boots ringing up around $32...Kohl's makes one of those announcements, "Sign up for a Kohl's credit card today and recieve an additional 20 percent off your purchase!  Holy Crap BATMAN!  Me being me, and not afraid to ask those stupid questions, I went up to the cashier and said, "I have a 25 percent off coupon good today only, can I use that, get a Kohl's credit card and get ANOTHER 20 PERCENT OFF!
Imagine my shock when she said, "YES!"...are we doing the math folks...90 dollar boots, marked down to $43, take off 25 percent and then another TWENTY PERCENT...that is a HOMERUN.
Picking myself up off the floor I realized this was MY LUCKY DAY!
First, the incredible TESTIMONIAL...I bought several pairs of pants...waist 36...too big for me, but the 34's were still too tight.  OH MY GAWD...not been a 36 waist in...well, it has been a VERY LONG TIME!  I thought about buying the 34's but decided treating myself should not include pants that were TOO the way, did I mention my butt is a LOT SMALLER TOO?
I could break into my rendition of "Too sexy for my shirt", but will simply say I also got four new shirts, and ended up buying 3 pairs of shoes...excess?  ME THINKS NOT.
I ended up buying almost $950 (full price) of new wardrobe for just over $250.00! 
SAY IT GEORGE PEPPARD..."I love it when a plan comes together".

My Isagenix Week in Review

Come Sit For A Spell
Been a hectic week here as I dealt with post accident injuries, and got back into my full Isagenix program as I work toward meeting my November goal of weighing in by December 6th (my two month Anniversary of being on the product, being a product of the product) at or under 175 pounds.  It is going to be a nail biter, but considering the Thanksgiving Holiday and all the eating that normally is a part of that celebration, very happy as I held steady, rather than adding pounds to my frame.  Was very happy at this development, as I usually pack on a few (4-9) pounds from Thanksgiving through that is just TOO TEMPTING to have the leftovers in the frigerator, and pumpkin and pecan pies begging you to just HAVE ANOTHER SLICE...with a glass of milk, even better.
Had my first appointment with the physical therapist this morning...did not feel to good about it, but it is what it is.  My right arm is hurting more after the session than before it, but guess that is normal.  Have an impinged nerve in the neck (I think that is what the therapist was saying) and a problem in the shoulder.  Today only neck work was done, and have stretching exercises I have to do three times a day until my next appointment on Monday.  The good news on all of this...normally, would go into a total decline and pig out on various and assorted comfort foods...being on Isagenix, the desire to reach out for those things, to pile on the pounds is not there...still depressed about the situation, not one that likes persistant pain in my life, but dealing with it all in a very pro-active fashion.
Have spent a lot of time this week working on my marketing plan as I figure out how I want to interact with, and share the magic that is Isagenix with my friends, families and other citizens of the world.  Biggest thing this week I've worked on is working on getting known/seen by a larger audience on Twitter.  I am up over 250 QUALITY followers, and have had some very nice interactions with some of the people.  Downloaded and put Tweetdeck into operation...what a SWEET way to do your tweeting!  If you are on Twitter, seriously encourage you to give this program a test'll be sold...did I mention IT IS FREE.
Just had my morning Isa Shake, and getting anxious to take my December measurements as you can really see some body transformations going butt is smaller, and the Budda Belly, though still there is MUCH SMALLER.  If you are looking to lose weight, are wanting more energy, are wanting to age gracefully I cannot encourage you enough to give Isagenix a try. 

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Alcohol...Did You Know?

How many of us go out for a special dinner, or have guests in and start off the festivities with a cold beer, cocktail, or a glass of wine?  With dinner, we have a bottle wine, or maybe another drink, and then after dinner cordials with our coffee and desert.  Maybe that is not such a good least for those of us who are working on losing weight, participating in the Isagenix Body Challenge.
Did you know...
Alcohol has zero nutritional value, only empty calories
Alcohol cannot be stored in the body in any form (fat, glycogen, amino acids etc).
So when a individual drinks alcohol, their body uses the alcohol as its main energy source, STORES any additional calories they consume. Break it down...what does this mean in simple English...If you drink with your meal, the calories in food will  be stored rather than burned off as energy.
This is why you might develop a beer belly – from food you are eating while your body is busy metabolising the alcohol!
With all the parties and opportunities to imbibe between now and the New Year, this is something to keep in mind when you think about having that second, or third drink.  Remember...Water is Life!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Just a Six Legged Man Juggling Naked In Times Square

There Is Light At Tunnel's End
In just 37 days another year passes into the record books, 52 days after that the birthday clock ticks off another year in my own life as I move from 56 to 57, one step closer to wherever it is that life and eternity is taking me.  Almost two months ago, perhaps by accident or maybe by design I found myself at a juncture where life was screaming loudly, "It is time for a change".  Voices are often easy to ignore, or at least give only a half an ear to whatever it is they are saying, even when what they are saying we already know is true.   For whatever reason...providence?...I heard the voice, realized that something had to give, that something had to change, that my life needed a new direction.
Change is not easy, and does not happen overnight, and the process/journey of that change suddenly sees you having your feet not so firmly planted in not just one, but two, three even six different worlds, grappling with a simple fact...change often times requires giving up things, things that you perhaps love, are comfortable with...even if some of those things are not good for you, emotionally, mentally or physically. 
I like to eat...too much at times, but the huge Budda Belly hanging over my ever expanding waist, was not a healthy byproduct of that eating.  I don't drink a lot, but probably being honest like it more than I should.  A great bottle of wine with dinner, a few drinks with friends while listening to music at an Open Mic night in the bar across the street.  Cannot say I like smoking, its a habit, one that gives me some comfort in bad times, something to do when I need something to do for whatever the reason might be.
That voice screaming relentlessly..."It is time for a change."
I found Isagenix, or more aptly it found me.
The journey so far is being an exciting one even if it has its highs and lows.  I have a lot of self disciplend at times, at others not so much.  One foot in the world of Isagenix, the other in the world that was and still is.  Another foot is in the business end of Isagenix, a model (network marketing) that is alien to me, one that takes me so out of my personal comfort zone.  Truth be told, I am a very visible loner, preferring the solitude of a walk in the woods with my camera, my feet, mind and heart comfortable in this alone space that lets me think, in a world that lets me observe without having to be a part of it, in a realm where my mind for a bit can be and know quiet.
A six legged man, one foot in this world, another foot firmly planted in another as I try to juggle balls hoping none fall from the air...that part of me I keep hidden from the world afraid of what will happen when I do.  Once read somewhere that if you want to be something, pretend you are until you have the skill sets to be what it is that you want to be...sometimes in this journey, feel like I am prentending to be while hoping one day I will be...not sure I have ever been really HEALTHY my whole life, and a lot of the time right now, though I know I am getting healthier do feel that I am pretending to be, and think that reality is why I fear what happens if I fail.
The weather outside suits my mood, the wind howling as storm clouds pile in one upon another, as a storm blows in on the horizon, the weather like my life changing fast, me wondering if I am going to be able to keep up, me wondering who this new person emerging from within is going to be.  Sometimes it all seems to much, sometimes fear sees me wanting to fail, wanting to go back to that unsafe safe place where white is white, black is black, and even if it is bad for me, returning to that space of being comfortable because of the familiarity of the world in which I lived, even hid.
NOPE...cannot let that happen, best to be the six legged man juggling naked in Times Square, braving the gawkers and the doubters, proving to myself that where I am going to is where I am supposed to be.

Friday, November 23, 2012

How To Write a Winning Blog Article in 30 Minutes Or Less

authored by Sherwood Martinelli…The Isa Guru 

One does not have to search very hard to find someone who has started a blog only to abandon it a short time later. When you speak to them, there are usually three reasons given for abandoning their blog. They did not know what to blog about, they felt they could not write a good article once they had a topic, or they just felt the whole process took way to long. 

Like most things in life, blogging takes practice, but there is a formula, a recipe that if followed will have you writing great content, creating winning blog articles in almost no time at all…about 30 minutes! 

What Qualifies as a Winning Blog Article? 

First…blog article must provide the reader with valuable information. When finished reading, will your reader walk away feeling smarter about the topic, feel as if they learned something from your words? When you write an article, always focus first and foremost on your audience…what do they need from you, what can you share with them that will keep them coming back again and again? Know your reader, and you will never run out of things to share with your audience, never run out of things to write about. 

Second…a WINNING blog article can pull in traffic from the search engines. Writing a winning blog article has no value if no one reads it. There are over 100 million blogs out on the World Wide Web (www) with over 100,000 new ones popping up on a almost daily basis. So, a great article is both well written, and has lots of keywords in it that will help you pull in traffic from the search engines. (Researching keywords is a lesson for another day.) 

How To Write a Fabulous Blog Article Quickly…The Recipe 

Schedule Dedicated Time To Write…find one hour in your day that is dedicated over to blogging that is FREE FROM DISTRACTIONS. As you get better at being a wordsmith the time set aside will be less…30 minutes being the goal. No Facebook, no phone calls, no coffee with the neighbor. Blogging for your business is a job, treat it like one. 

Choose Your Topic…select a subject your reader is going to care about, something that will teach them something that will move their personal life, dieting goals, or business forward. In Isagenix, you are writing for two different audiences at the same time…new prospects, and your own down line associates. Choose a topic that is going to give your audience value for the time they are going to spend in reading your articles. 

Find Your Keywords (Allow yourself 5 minutes)…think of keywords as words you will put in your article (winning blog article) that you will also use as tags for your article so that people can find you. I did a keyword search for blog writing, and came up with over 350 different phrases people type into the search engines…I want to use some of these keyword phrases in my article so people can find me. Writing winning articles/Winning Articles/Blog Writing…all of these are variations of the theme of my article, that will improve my chances of being found in a Google Search. 

Do Your Research…you are not writing a “Doctorates Thesis” so don’t freak out about doing research. Do a Google search, find out what others are saying on the topic you are about to write on, maybe even find a quote or two that you want to incorporate into the article. 

Do Some Brainstorming (again, five minutes)…figure out what points you want to make, give some thought to the flow of these ideas you are about to share. In short, organize your thoughts so you have a map of where you want to go when you begin writing the winning article. This Brainstorming time actually gave me the title for my article. For this subject on how to write a winning blog article, I wrote out the key topics, and for each of these topics came up with my bullet points. Once done, I was/am almost ready to let my fingers do the typing. 

Give a Few Minutes Over To Layout…if you picked up a Time Magazine, opened it up and found page after page of nothing but words with no pictures or graphs, how likely would you be to buy a second copy of the magazine? I try to ALWAYS include at least one pleasing visual image in every article I post to my blog. 

Last But Not Least…figure out what links you want to embed into your article. 

One last super cool uber tip…ALWAYS (ALWAYS) give your article a great title! A lot of times, that brilliant title, more than anything else will bring new readers to your blog, even if just out of curiosity.  Have fun, and remember...practice makes perfect.  Happy Isagenix blogging everyone.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Social Media...Some Beginners Tips For My Isa Friends

First, wishing everyone a very happy, fun filled Thanksgiving full of fun, family and blessings.  Speak a blessing of gratitude for what you do have, and lift up to the heavens a prayer for all those in the world going through rough times.
As I sit here drinking my morning Isa Shake (already had my Ionix Supreme) wanted to write an article to share with everyone in our Isa Social Media group over on Facebook...a few tips on getting started in Social Media Marketing.  For beginners, Social Media Marketing (SMM) can be...well, it can be intimadating. 
Social Media Marketing is something necessary in this new age of instantaneous communication, and it takes time to learn as there is a LOT TO LEARN.  That said, don't let it intimadate you...Rome was not built in a day, and when it comes to getting yourself out there, patience truly is a virtue.  So, some basic tips for those wanting to get started. (Hey, once the turkey is in the oven, and the footballs games are turned on, or after dinner when everyone wants to take a timeout before desert, why not get your toes wet?)
Social Media Tips For Beginners
1. Listen to your audience.  Sure, we all want to speak our minds, but are we doing it in a way that makes others want to listen...your audience is going to let you know what they like, what they want to hear about.  If one of your articles in a blog, tweets on Twitter, or a time line entry on Facebook gets great response (how many comments, how many article views?) while others see almost no traffic, your audience is speaking to you, "HEY, we really like this."  You can also ask your audience what they want to hear using polls, or even putting up a post asking them, "What articles would you like me to write, or what discussions are we wanting to have."
2. Know your audience.  On Facebook, many of us belong to various Isagenix groups, a captive audience of folks who want to hear about, and learn about, probably would not make a lot of sense if I started putting up comments about the fine points of overhauling and restoring a 1947 DeSoto.  Those in Twitter A) like short concise statements (duh...only have 140 characters) and tend to like links in case they want more information.  Blogs on the other hand give you more of a platform for longer posts and explantions. 

Bonus tip...Write a blog post (IE, this one) then make a short concise statement about it with a link on twitter...a great twofer!  Viral Marketing at its finest.

3. Start small.  Yes, you want to protect your brand, maybe you want to run out and establish yourself on say 10 Social Media sites...but, once you have made that LAND GRAB, let some of those pieces of real estate sit idle.  It is best to put all your efforts into one or two projects, build them up, grow a following, then look toward expanding.
4. See what’s working.  Think of it as Google searches, find out what others in your industry (Isagenix) are doing to attract and build their own audience...if you are using Facebook, go find out who is being successful marketing a similiar/identical product, and start modeling your plan based on this newly gained information...they say imitation is the highest form of flattery, and it is.  After all, why would any of us want to duplicate a marketing plan that DOES NOT WORK?
What it all comes down to...GET STARTED.  Find your audience, strike up conversations about what you are passionate about (Isagenix), engage, engage, ENGAGE...why do you think they call it SOCIAL MEDIA?

Monday, November 19, 2012

Dedication... When "The Chips" Are Down...A SHOUTOUT To Amy Austin

I always like reading great testimonials from my Isagenix friends who are over on Facebook.  Being successful in losing weight means being dedicated to where you are wanting to go, especially when the "chips" are down.  This morning while catching up on Facebook I came across a testimonial from my Isa friend Amy Austin who lives in Canada.
She received a difficult phone call, and one of those old demons was sitting on her shoulder encouraging her to stop and get a bag of chips, to fall off the proverbial wagon and break her two day cleanse that she was/is being so good with.  Perhaps out of will power, or perhaps because the cosmos had her get on the scale this morning finding out she had already lost seven pounds saw her ignore that tempting voice!  WAY TO GO AMY!
Here is the link to her article.  Go give her a "Job well done" comment in her blog!

What's in Season...Trying A New Widget

Hello Readers:

As I work toward getting healthy and SLIM, looking for some new widgets that my readers and I might find looking through the list of widgets that are available right in my Blogger console, found one that I am trying out for the next few weeks as it looks promising.  To find it, simply scroll down to the bottom of my blog and try it out.
This is a FRESH FOODS cool is that?  You can choose what state you live in, what month it is, and it tells you the fruits and vegetables that are in season for you with little pictorial icons.  Click on any icon and it opens up a new page that gives you a brief history of the fruit or vegetable you are considering for your meal.  It gets better...over on the left side are various links to RECIPES!  I love recipes.
So, for those of you looking for fresh fruits and veggies, for those of you looking to find new recipes for some of your favorites foods, give it a whirl and let me know in the comments section of this article what you think of it.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Looking For A HEALTHY Energy Drink?

Five Hour Energy has put energy drinks in the news in a big way, the company and product under investigation by our federal government.  One thing is for sure...a lot of the energy drinks on the market today, with Gatorade the best known, from my perspective leave a lot to be desired.  Have you looked at the ingredients on the labels of some of these drinks?
water, sugar, table salt, carbohydrates, electrolytes (110 mg sodium, 30 mg potassium, 93 mg chloride), high fructose corn syrup, artificial colors, glucose, fructose, and sugar
Does this sound healthy?  Do you really want your children, family and friends drinking high sugar beverages filled with GMO's (organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques)?  If you are an athelete, is this what you really want to be putting in your body?  Worse, what happens when over time you begin drinking it as just a beverage, overconsuming the product?  Can we say obesity?
There is a better choice, a healthy choice when it comes to Energy Drinks. 
Want More Energy (yes, that is the name of the product!) from Isagenix, the company known for giving the world healthy Super Foods.  Want to know more about this incredible healthy energy drink, or perhaps even try it?  CLICK HERE!
Want More Energy FAST FACTS

Life and Isagenix Is About Giving Back, Paying Forward

Network marketing was always one of those things I saw in a negative light, something I associated with phrases like pyramid scheme...then one day I had an epithany...every product sold is sold through network marketing in some fashion or another.  If Walmart  has a camera for sale on Black Friday, and your friend knowing you are looking for that camera too give as a gift tells you about the sale, isn't that networking/network marketing?  If you rave about your new car to a friend and they go out and buy the same vehicle based upon your personal recommendation, isn't that network marketing? 
It was/is this epithany that has allowed me to go beyond  embracing the product that is Isagenix, to embracing it as a business that I want to be involved short, this epithany has seen me taking my first steps as a network marketer, though in many ways I have been a network marketer most of my life, but for others, rather than for myself.
As I've taken my first steps into this new world known as network marketing, realizing other truths, such as the very real fact that my own success is completely dependent upon me helping others...sharing my truth, introducing others to Isagenix by sharing my own testimony, my own story of becoming a product of the product, and then once someone says "I want to be a part of that", helping them become successful in their dreams and goals.  In short, it is about giving back by paying forward, giving others the helping hand up that is so generously being given to me by everyone I have met in Isagenix (both in real life, and in the various Isagenix Facebook groups).
As in most of life, you get out of network marketing what you put into it, and there is no room for selfishness in giving back by paying forward.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Not Being a Great Day...

This has been a very rough day for various reasons...will not go into it other than to say my Saab is sitting in a repair shop, and I am hoping the repair is not going to be too overly pricy...if it is, going to have to decide if it is worth making the repair, or time to go in debt for a new car.  Not a choice I had really wanted to make right now.  It has something to do with the cooling system, but is it a hose on the radiator, or something far worse such as the water pump...hopefully will have a better idea of things some time tomorrow.
I had just gone out for a drive to clear my mind, camera in tow, the idea being to just drive around looking for subjects to photograph.  Stopped to take a picture of some ducks and when I got back in the car it was overheating.  Luckily I had two gallons of antifreeze in the trunk and was able to limp the car to a repair shop.  Spent two hours waiting for them to put the car up on a lift, and one hose is severed...if that is all it is, might not be so bad, but the mechanic has no way of identifying other issues until that one is resolved.
The good least I was at the end of my Deep Cleanse day when this all unfolded.  Time to try to decompress here...I need a IsaLean Shake!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Starting Another Deep Cleanse Here

Have just started another two day deep cleanse in my stationary bike ride covering 7.23 miles, and burning a total of 170 calories, so that is always a great way to jump into it.  In looking back on my last cleanse, realized I was a bit lack in my water intake, so this time around, making sure that the all important water component of the program is where it is supposed to be...for those wondering, to maximize weight loss you should take your total body weight and divide by two, and that is the number of ounces you should be drinking in water each and every day.  So, for myself rounding up to 180 pounds, I should be consuming 90 ounces of water a day.  To put that in perspective, that is just under six one pint bottles.
Another issue I am staying up on this time around...taking advantage of my Isasnacks, and I also have my Isa Delights, which is new.  (Have to contact my coach to see how many of those Isa Delights I can have during a cleanse day...I know that the snacks are pretty well unlimited.)
Have deliberately set my weight loss goal easy this month...Thanksgiving is next week, and as much as we want to behave, I know I am going to indulge a bit more than I should.  So, my goal during this 30 Day Cleanse period as I work on my Isagenix Body Challenge make over is to be under 175 pounds by the end of it on December 6th, 2012 which will put me within striking distance of 170 by the end of the 90 days...MY SUPER GOAL...165 pounds.  That would be SO SWEET.
Took a walk down to the local coffee shop in hopes of speaking to a prospective associate today, but she was not around.  Will call her later in the day and set up an appointment with her to get her signed up and started on her first 30 Day thinking it might be wise to time it so that she can start the Monday after Thanksgiving.  This time of the year is such a tough time of the year to jump into this program as there are so many pitfalls in your path.  Holiday meals, parties, visiting friends and finding a plate of cookies put out on the coffee table...did I mention Eggnog...I love, love love EGGNOG.
Another bottle of water is in order, and maybe an Isa Snack, so going to end this short, the Cleanse is GOING WELL.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Is Your Scale NOT MOVING?

I have been having trouble moving the scale downward, and was pondering the issue when I found a link to a great article on the Isagenix Health Blog on Facebook.  After reading it, have decided to share it with my readers, and put a link to the article in my sidebar...YES, it is that good!   Thank you Isagenix for creating such great information for those of us wanting to get healthy, wanting to lose weight.  Don't know about Isagenix?  Email the Isaguru, or call me at (845) 693-4513

Can’t Make the Scale Budge? 11 Questions to Ask Yourself

by Ina Nozek, DC, MS, CCN

Losing stubborn weight is easier with these 11 tips.
Amazing transformational changes to our health and our body composition are seen with the Isagenix nutritional cleansing and fat burning systems, but every now and then we get “stuck.” Sometimes the weight seems to be coming off too slowly, or compared to other people’s results it doesn’t feel “up to par.”
What I’d like to do is give some tips on how to optimize weight/fat loss results so that you can reach both your health and your weight loss goals. Before you get discouraged, here are a few questions you can ask yourself:
1. Are you drinking enough water? The products do an amazing job at helping your body cleanse away toxins, but it’s your job to flush those impurities out with adequate hydration from pure, plain water. It is extremely important to consume at least eight to 10 full glasses of water each day, as is standard advice. On hot days or if performing physical activity, drink a few ounces more along with the sports drink Want More Energy?® that replenishes lost glycogen, vitamins and electrolytes.
2. Are you moving your bowels well each and every day? Constipation could hinder weight loss results. Rather than carrying around pounds that build up in the colon, regular and complete bowel movements are important in managing your ‘true’ body weight. If necessary, increasing the amount of IsaFlush! (containing magnesium) and fiber that you are taking each day will support regularity. FiberPro and FiberSnacks! can be used to get your required amount of daily fiber, which will certainly support gastrointestinal health.
3. Are you taking in enough or perhaps too many calories? Take a look at the meals and snacks that you consume on your Shake Days. Make sure to follow the program with 400- to 600-calorie meals consisting of whole, natural foods.
4. Are you letting too much time go by between your shakes and your meal and/or snacks? Timing is everything! Your shake or meal should hold your appetite for three to four hours. If there is more time than that between meals, you need to choose a healthy, balanced snack to curb hunger. This will keep your blood sugar stable and prevent your body from slowing your metabolism to conserve energy.
5. What are your food choices? Many of us may be absent-mindedly hindering results by reach for excess sugars and/or starches. Snacking on high-glycemic, low-fiber foods, or having a handful of this or that throughout the day can be enough to slow things down. Be aware of what you are choosing to eat.
6. Are you sleep deprived and/or stressed out? Either of these issues can cause your stress hormones to be out of balance and lead to increased fat storage—especially around the belly. If you are under a lot of stress and/or not sleeping restfully at night, I suggest you double up on your Ionix Supreme. Meditation and light physical activity may also be helpful in restoring your natural rhythms.
7. How often are you cleansing? For some of you, you may be cleansing too often and for others, you may not be cleansing enough. Keep your body guessing! Two consecutive Cleanse Days is the deepest advisable cleanse and the most effective way to burn fat. However, some people may do this too often. In which case, I recommend that you switch things up. Perhaps do double Cleanse Days every other week. Or, you can try one Cleanse Day one week and then a two Cleanse Days the next week. Maybe switch to drinking 1 or2 ounces daily (“daily cleansing”) for a while instead. Two to four ounces of Cleanse for Life before bed on an empty stomach may be helpful for many people, too. Remember to hydrate well throughout the day whether you are “deep” or “daily cleansing.” The key to all of this is to keep your body guessing by making sure to switch things up!
8. Are your foods settling? Food allergies and sensitivities may be playing a role in slowing weight loss results. Be aware of what foods you are eating and whether or not they are “jiving” with your body. Avoid any obvious foods sensitivities or intolerances.
9. Are you maximizing your meals? If not, consider Vanilla IsaPro! Adding 1 scoop of IsaPro to 1 or 1 ½ scoops of IsaLean shake can be helpful for optimizing your metabolism. The boost to protein can make a huge difference to anyone with a sluggish metabolism. Extra protein also keeps your appetite satisfied longer and promotes maintenance of muscle, a key element for plateau busting!
10. How many steps do you take every day? Get out there and move! Exercise is so important for our general health and it makes a huge difference in transforming our body composition. Daily exercise increases metabolism naturally as we build muscle. Incorporate strength and resistance training as well as cardio exercise for optimal fat burning results.
11. Are you following the plan? Are you committed to getting the best results? Are your food choices optimal? Are you adding too many extra calories to your shakes and to your snacking? Be honest with yourself. If we are honest with ourselves, sometimes we realize that we could be more committed and disciplined. For some of us, it’s this discipline that makes all of the difference in achieving our goals. Then maintenance becomes a lot easier. Stay strong in order to truly transform your body so that you can look and feel your absolute best!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Isagenix Body Challenge...My New Goals

Me at over 200 POUNDS!
For those that don't know, at the encouragement of my personal coach (Andrea Hameed), entered the Isagenix Body Challenge when I got my first box of product (the 30 Day Cleanse).  My first 30 days have been a roller coaster in a very good way.  The progress so far has been wonderful, and all of the original goals I set for myself in that first 30 days have in various degrees been met.  I am learning more and more about Isagenix, and becoming comfortable with talking about the product...homework, homework, homework.  My weight loss is exciting...for the first time in at least 10 years, I am under 180 pounds, have lost some 24 total body inches, and my budda belly is rapidly becoming a baby budda belly...this last one is making me feel SO MUCH BETTER about myself, really building my self esteem.
So, as I get ready for the first Deep Cleanse of my next 30 days, thinking it is time to establish a few new goals that I want to accomplish.
1.  As I get closer to the weight I should be, know that the weight loss is going to slow down a bit.  So, looking at that, want to find myself by December 6th (end of my second 30 Day Cleanse) to have my weight down under 175 pounds...this would allow me to set a goal for January 6th (end of my first 90 days) of being under 170 pounds.
This Weekend At 178 POUNDS!
2.  Want to see another ten inches of total body inches gone.
3.  Begin making my exercising more regimented and routine...though overall I have been very good at doing a lot more exercise, it is still NOT ROUTINE, so want to work on this, which in turn will help me build more muscle mass to replace the fat weight I am slowly shedding.
4.  Working on quitting smoking by cutting down, and have switched to rolling my own with organic tobacco.  Want to continue on this track through December with the goal being a quit date in early January.
5.  In my first 30 days, signed up one new associate...want to try to double that in my second month...would love more, but if I double my associates in month two from month one, that is forward progress of a positive kind.
6.  Do more work to build my blog the first five weeks of the blog, reached 1000 visitors.
If you want to join my team on this exciting journey of getting in shape, losing weight, please email me, the IsagenixGuru or give me a call at (845) 345-6523

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Using Your Facebook To Maximize Your Isagenix Exposure

I've been on Isagenix now for about five, going on six weeks.  The changes that I have been experiencing are nothing short of miraculous.  I feel healthier, have lost so far about 15 pounds, and shed some 24 body inches.   Those are results I want to share, the products to me a magic I want to share with friends and family, as well as the much larger audience on the world wide short, now that I am a product of the product, I want to develop a business/a residue income stream created by making others healthier, sharing with them what I have found in using Isagenix.  Being a blogger, having over years created web presense for various interests that have seen hundreds of thousands of visitors, am a firm believer that using Social Media (including Facebook) is a great way to interact with a much larger audience...especially since we all have only so many family and friends that we can share our testimony with.
Today, want to write/share about a powerful Facebook tool we as users wanting to market ourselves tend to overlook that is available to all of us who are on, and use Facebook in sharing our stories in our efforts to introduce to others the magic that is Isagenix.
See yourself writing a GREAT Facebook update in your timeline, something you want to keep there for a few days, even a week right up at the top of your timeline...
I've lost 14.5 pounds and 24 body inches in my first 30 Day Isagenix Cleanse.  If you are wanting to lose weight and feel healthier, are wanting more energy, please friend me here on Facebook, private message me, or visit me at or  In a hurry to get started with your own journey then call me directly at (845) 346-6523 so I can get you enrolled today.

I post this, and want to keep it at the top of my timeline for a week...Facebook lets you PIN an item to the top of your time line for a period of seven days!  Here is how you do it.
Using the Pinning Feature

Pinning needs done manually. When using this feature, your pinned status update will not move from where you “pin” it no matter how many status updates you add to your Facebook page for a period of seven days.

One at a Time:

You can only pin one at a time during a seven day period, so choose carefully what you want to pin.

Where Your Pinned Post Will Appear:

Pinned posts always appear at top of your Facebook Timeline (on the left).

The Length of Time that Pinning Lasts:

Once you pin a post on your page, it will remain pinned for seven days unless you unpin.

How to Pin a Post:

To pin a post, click on pencil icon that appears in upper right  corner of your status update. Once you have selected the pencil icon, select “Pin to Top.”

How to Unpin a Post:

Click on the pencil icon in the top right corner of  pinned/choose the “unpin” option.

Come back often to see more tips and suggestions to help you master using Social Media to build your Isagenix downline.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Are You A Homemaker Looking For A Part Job? Perhaps Networking Marketing Is Right For You

My Isagenix Stash
Was in one of my Facebook groups the other night reading posts when I came across something that I did not know...seems that women make up the lions share of people involved in network marketing, and they ARE VERY GOOD AT IT.  

It was not something I had given much thought to, but once I read this fact, wondered first why it was that women make up a larger percentage of the people in this industry, and what makes them so good at.  A bit of research indicates the following explanations on why women are great networking marketers.

1. Women are good listeners, and better at relationship building than men are.  These skills allow them to really understand their customers and their needs.
2. Women's intuition...seriously, without having all the facts women have an innate ability to determine what a customer is thinking, and whether or not someone is a great prospect to be an associate.
3.  Women are more willing to learn...a man will drive around for hours rather than stop and ask for directions, while a woman is much more willing to ask for help, which makes them better at learning the in's and out's of network marketing.
4.  Women as a general rule make most of the buying decisions in a home...they seek out information about the products they are considering bringing into the home, and want personal recommendations from friends who have experience or knowledge about a product.
5.  Women really like the flexibility of schedule that being a network marketer affords them.
6.  Women are really good at finding consensus, which (IMO) make them much better at building a team (downline) than are men.

Sure there are other reasons that make women great at network marketing, but these really struck a cord in my own mind.  So, if you are a woman, and you have been looking into network marketing, if you have been wondering if it is the right opportunity for you, would love to explain the Isagenix business model to you, and introduce you to their wonderful line of products.

Drop me an email at Isagenix Guru, or call me at (845)346-6523

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Contemplation...Facing A BIG Obstacle In The Road

Yesterday was a good day for me...

Finished off my 30 Day Cleanse, and the results were nothing shy of sterling.  Total weight loss in one month was 14.5 pounds, and inches lost was 24.  That is amazing...but, think I can do better than that, but only if I buckle down and deal with a few things that have been and are an issue for me when it comes to being who I can be, if the Isa Body Challenge is going to give me everything it has the potential to give me.  The question becomes, where does one get the strength to address some very deep seated issues that affect ones health and life? 

Don't you just HATE THEM?  We all have them, we all know they are there, but we ignore them, or empower them.  In some cases we seem to welcome them into our lives, are even PALS with them as they wreak their havoc.   For whatever the reason is or might be, we in the end seem powerless to rid ourselves of them, addicted to whatever spirit or vice it is that has taken up residence inside of us.

My BIG DEMON? (yes...this infers more than one)


Now I think if someone kidnapped me, took me away to some deserted island and chained me too a palm tree for say FIVE YEARS that I could kick this habit.  I have tried over the years, the decades, to lose the habit, but it always seems to find me, snare me, you can quit for MONTHS, and like an addict, it only takes one puff and you are reeled right back in again.  Thank you Marlboro...just what is it that you put in your cigarettes to make them so addictive...come on, you can tell me.

I am a smart man, or at least I tell myself that I am.  I know the stupidity of putting hundreds of dollars worth of super foods into my body on a monthly basis with the intention of detoxifying my body, and then sitting there after my morning shake and having a cigarette...or two, OK, maybe three.  It makes no sense, there is no logic, but there is an addiction here, and a very expensive one.  It is very safe to say, that I could pay for every bit of my Isagenix products month in and month out at a very high level of consumption with what I spend on cigarettes.

Here is the rub...over an extended period of time I cannot afford or the other has to go....super foods, being healthy, or cigarettes.  Intellectually I know which choice should be made, and I know when I look at my budget that I cannot sustain a $400 a month (cigarettes are expensive here in NY) smoking habit, and spend another $400 a month on product that is designed to make me a healthier, happier the way, Isagenix does just that.

Soooooooo...I need to quit smoking, I even WANT to quit smoking...well, at least in this very moment I do.  Question is, how do you really KICK THE HABIT?

Lets face it, no one is going to kidnap me for five years and chain me to a palm tree on a beach somewhere in the Pacific...although I would be willing to entertain any job offers that see me chained to a palm tree somewhere like say Maui.  So, that whole plan of action is OUT THE WINDOW.  

They say you should avoid all the things that you enjoy doing when you are having a cigarette...

No Coffee, no drinking, no being on the computer, no watching TV...OK, that plan would not work for me either, as I cannot just stop doing life.

I know...just sounds easy, but trust me, I know from first hand experience it is not that easy of a thing to do.   I suffer very serious withdraw symptoms when I try to quit smoking, and not just for a day or two.

So, as I sit here trying to motivate into my day, wrestling with this serious problem, knowing that it is a MAJOR STUMBLING BLOCK in my that cannot be ignored, one that has to be dealt with if I am to be successful in where I am wanting to go.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Isagenix Associates Wanting To Help Hurricane Sandy Survivors

Living in New York, know a lot of people who are and will continue to suffer in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.  They NEED OUR HELP, and Isagenix has stepped up in a BIG WAY by donating 50,000 IsaLean Shakes and compiled a GREAT LIST of people/organizations you can contact if you are wanting to get involved, or want to make a donation.  Sharing the letter/press release from the Isagenix Founders here in my blog as I know others outside the family also stop here to see what is going on.  Read the article, and get involved as our Isa Family helps those in desperate need right now as they try to recoup from Hurricane Sandy while a Nor'easter threatens more harm.

If you read this article, please share the link, or copy the press release and place it on your own blogs or web sites.

How You Can Help Those Impacted By Hurricane Sandy


Dear Isagenix Family,

One week ago, Hurricane Sandy ravaged the northeast, destroying entire towns and coastlines, and leaving families, friends and neighbors out on the street without food or power, and many without homes. Our thoughts are with those who are still displaced and suffering in the aftermath of the storm.

Isagenix was founded with a vision to impact world health and free people from physical and financial pain. In the wake of so much devastation, it is imperative that the Isagenix family do its part to help alleviate the hunger and hardship of those trying to rebuild in Sandy’s path.

We have identified a network of regional organizations serving communities from Connecticut to Cape May County – the areas hardest hit – that have pledged to work with us directly in delivering Isagenix products to storm victims.

For our part, Isagenix is immediately donating 50,000 of our meal replacement IsaLean Shakes and Bars, which are spread among the following organizations:

 Community Food Bank of New Jersey (serving New Jersey and New York)
Contact: Theresa Forsman – (908) 355-3663
Community Food Bank of New Jersey
31 Evans Terminal
Hillside, NJ 07205

• Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Contact: Cody – (848) 932-6978
Student Activities Center
613 George St
New Brunswick, NJ 08901

• The Reformed Church of Highland Park
Contact: Lisa – (732) 249-7349
9-21 South 2nd Ave
Highland Park, NJ 08904

• Salvation Army Atlantic City
Contact: Major Thomas Pierce – (609) 344-0660
SAAC Headquarters
22 S Texas Ave
Atlantic City, NJ 08401

• The Township of Fairfield, NJ Health Department/Emergency Community Center 
Contact: Officer Chris Tursi – Call: (203) 610-9058
100 Reef Road
Fairfield, CT 06824

• The Office of Senator Andrew J. Lanza
3845 Richmond Ave, Suite 2A
Staten Island, NY  10312

• Hurricane Relief
c/o Gold Medal Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric
11 Cotters Lane
East Brunswick, NJ 08816
Contact: Jennifer at

The Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation
2361 Hylan Blvd
Staten Island, NY 10306

Kathy and I are aware that many of you already are generously giving your time to volunteer in affected areas – we’re proud to call you our colleagues.  We encourage you also to donate Isagenix products through your personal and community networks.  You are in no way limited to the organizations listed above.

For those Associates not regionally located wishing to participate, you can place an order for any of our bars and shakes and have them drop-shipped to the location of your choice; just place the order in your Back Office as you would normally, but make sure to change the shipping address to the organization of your choice. These orders will be treated the same as any other orders for the purpose of the compensation plan.

Please note that Isagenix is sharing this press release over the news wires in an effort to make victims and relief volunteers aware that our meal replacement IsaLean Bars and nutritional IsaLean Shakes are available for those in need. I invite you to share the press release with other individuals and organizations championing relief efforts.

Thank you for support in this effort fulfilling the mission and vision of our company. Stay safe and stay well.

Your Partners in Success,
Jim and Kathy Coover
Isagenix Co-Founders

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Do You Know Someone Who Personifies the "Heart Of Isagenix"

In the middle of my 2 day Deep Cleanse, thinking about everything I have experienced in the past thirty days of my 30 Day Cleanse, waiting on my product that was delayed due to Hurricane Sandy I decided to sign into my Isagenix backroom and see what was in my in box...two alerts, so openned them up and found out that Isagenix is looking for nominations for their "Heart of Isagenix" recognition.  Thought I would post the press releasae/note here so that anyone who sees it who thinks of someone deserving can act on those feelings. 
As for myself...nominating my coach Andrea Hameed who, IMO, truly represents every facet of what makes Isagenix such a wonderful company, product and family.
Heart of Isagenix
Monday, November 5th, 2012

Tell Us Who Has the “Heart of Isagenix”


It’s time to show your appreciation for that leader you know who epitomizes Isagenix®. Do they serve and help others; hold open meetings and honor their team members’ achievements? If so, then it’s time to nominate them for our special “Heart of Isagenix” award. (Vote only once though, please!)
Here’s what we’re looking for in this special person:

• Goes out of their way to help and inspire others to reach new heights
• Clearly sets organizational direction and purpose within their team
• Displays and reflects unique strengths, culture, values and beliefs that align with the Isagenix mission
• Helps everyone believe that they are part of something bigger than themselves by being a part of Isagenix
• Truly pays attention to people and honors others’ achievements
• Holds open meetings and regularly volunteers to train with Isagenix so they are not only helping their team members, but everyone in Isagenix as a whole
• Communicates regularly and challenges others all while growing in cycles and rank advancements
• Supports and attends Isagenix events regularly including Celebration, New Year Kick Off and Isagenix University
So, if a certain leader or team member just came to mind who truly exemplifies the Heart of Isagenix award, please send your nomination to with their name and where they are from. Please be sure to include your name and ID number along in the email.
Voting for Heart of Isagenix ends December 10, 2012 and the winner will be announced at our 2013 “Focus on Your Future” New Year Kick Off!
Want to know who else will be recognized on stage at New Year Kick Off? Check it out on’s “Recognition” page.

My Isagenix Journey...A Review On This My 30th Day Of The Cleanse!

Cannot believe it has been some 36 or so days since I was introduced to Isagenix through the incredible testimonial of Andrea Hameed who had/has lost/shed/purged an incredible 130 plus pounds while become a healthier happier person.  For some reason, her story awakened a desire in me to address some of my own health/energy issues, to give the Isagenix program (lifestyle) a chance.
The Road To Change Starts With One Step
When I made the decision, became a member (associate), and placed my first order, I was skeptical, but I also knew I had to do something to effect some serious changes.  I was lethargic, overweight with my weight bouncing between 193-205 pounds depending on how many snack cakes, cookies and boxes of poptarts were in my cupboard (late night grazer here), almost all the weight on my gut as people made remarks about my budda belly, and occassionally asking me how far along I was.  Too be honest, all of this, the direction of my life also had me a bit depressed and I was becoming a bit of a recluse, finding it easier to spend more time inside, and less time outside interacting with the world.
My product arrived, and I was committed to give it 30 days...had/have even entered the "Isa Body Challenge" contest, learning later on in the month that in doing so, I had made a committment to myself that would last far more than 30 hindsight, it was/is as it should be...permanent positive changes require permanent modifications in how we live, and how we nurture our mind, body and soul.  I looked at the pictures I took for that challenge this morning, and WOW does not do justice to the so very visible changes, let alone the changes I feel in myself that are not so visible to the naked eye.
Some of the big changes happening?
1.  I am exercising...Hurricane Sandy slowed that down a bit, but once this post is up, and I have showered am grabbing my camera and going out for a BRISK five mile walk this morning.
2.  My energy levels are way up.
3.  Not sure what my total body inches lost are going to be when I take them tomorrow, but A LOT comes to mind. 
4.  Not only am I fitting into shirts and sports coats I could not wear, but am being able to COMFORTABLY button them.
5.  Have lost/shed/purged weight...I am in the second day of a Deep Cleanse (third this month), and it looks like I will officially end this fast under 180 pounds...a weight I have not seen in at least ten years.
6.  Cannot explain it, but I look healthier.  Face is thinner, skin looks better and has a glow to it, and things like my finger and toe nails look healthier and feel stronger.
The other great things...people in my daily life are noticing the changes, commenting on them and that is giving me a chance to talk about the product that has/is effecting those short, I have become a product of the product, have become a walking billboard for Isagenix every time I walk out my door...that is pretty cool.  I feel more is easy to pretend things like a bulging budda belly don't bother you, to make jokes about it yourself, but it does bother you, clothes that are too tight, that seem accentuate the weight that needs to be lost bother you, and all that takes a toll on the self confidence, and in hindsight starts steamrolling down a dark road toward an ever deepening self loathing and depression...30 days into my Isagenix Journey (thanks to the support, help and encouragement of so many) sees me rounding a bend to woods that are thinning out, a beautiful meadow just up ahead, the sky brightening as its rays kiss the flowers growing along the roadway's edge.
Looking forward to the end of my first 30 days on Isagenix, and the arrival of my next 30 day supply of a product I just love having in my life.
Some special thank you mentions to many of my Isa friends on Facebook
Andrea Hameed my coach, and Elisabeth Anderson who is a GREAT MENTOR.
Jim Rhoades who took time out from a meal with friends to speak to a friend of mine who's dog has cancer.
Laurie Kelley, Annamaria Longfellow, She She Killough, Kelly LeBlanc, Gregory Valiquette,  Amy Austin, Rick Reynolds (great should sign up for them and his cleanse team),Deborah Yaffee, Randy J Dunbar, Jo-Ann DiLorenzo, Phil Zulli, David Kamnitzer, Kjersti Cote and everyone else who has shared their wisdom and cheered me along my path these 30 days. 
It was with your support, each of you as cheerleader who has it made it not only possible, but much easier for me to be sitting here today looking at the path of the past 30 days with a smile on my face, and a glow in my heart.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Lending a Helping Hand To Those In Need After Hurricane Sandy

Many of us have been affected by Hurricane Sandy, some of us in monor ways, others in far more life altering ways, houses gone and lives lost.  Tonight on Facebook I was invited/added to a new group dealing with networking (Network Plus Pro), and while visiting the group page was impressed with a community outreach/volunteer effort they are launching to help people hard hit in Staten Island, NY.  I am one who has always believed in people helping people, in stepping out of ourselves and our own lives and giving to those in need, volunteering our talents and time to lend a helping hand.  Below is a letter they have sent out seeking help...sharing it here, and if it speaks to you, hope you will get involved in their efforts.
Sherwood Martinelli...Isagenix Guru
Network Plus Pro

Hi there,
First of all, we’d like to THANK ALL those who have stood up to HELP people in need to recover from the ill-effects of Sandy. It was quite a week, this last week – perhaps one of the worst of its kind. We pray that you and your family are safe and have not been impacted at all by the storm. We are writing to update you with couple of important things

Staten Island Needs Help
Two of our friends are working with a large team of volunteers to help the people who have been impacted due to Sandy. People in Staten Island need help. We are reaching out to you in the hope that you can help those who were affected. The team of volunteers is looking for
a) More Volunteers
b) Supplies – Cleaning Supplies, Garbage Bags, Shovels, Brooms, etc.
c) Money
If you would like to either volunteer, help with supplies or with the money, please contact
1. Cheryl Sanchez
Paypal ID:
Contact Number is 347-470-4869

Donations of any amount are welcome.
2. Steve Argentine
Paypal ID:

Address for dropping off supplies:
98 Detroit Ave

Staten Island, NY 10312
Alternatively TEXT SANDYRELIEF to 71441

Together we can make a lot of difference! Once again, thank you for your support and everything you do for the community!

With warm regards,
Ted, Bill & Sudev
(Your Partners in Success)

PS: Due to Sandy, our Network Plus Pro Launch has been rescheduled for Nov 27, 2012. The details are given here ( . We would love to meet you in person and hear your story. Oh! By the way, the EARLY BIRD SPECIAL ends on Nov 9, 2012. See you at the Launch!
PPS: Did you see Ted's article on
The Storm ? Quite inspirational, indeed...You'll like it

Sunday, November 4, 2012

A Beautiful Sunday...Hard to Believe A Hurricane Was Here

After The Storm
Spring forward, fall back...daylight savings time has arrived signalling a too soon winter all but knocking on our doors as those states hit so hard by Hurricane Sandy worry about a Nor'easter that could hit us this upcoming Wedneday.  Looking out my window on this crisp fall day, the sun shining ever so bright, the remaining leaves bright and inviting it is hard to believe just a few days ago our area was SLAMMED with a major hurricane dubed by some as Frankenstorm.
It is during these times that man's humanity to man comes shining through, examples of our generosity evident in abundance from neighbors helping neighbors, to marathoners in New York deciding to stay over the weekend to lend helping hands after the New York City Marathon was cancelled for this year.   If only we could find a way to have such generosity of heart the norm in society, rather than the exception that comes out in times of disaster.
Hurricane Sandy has once again like so many disaster before it reminds us all that we are mere humans and no match for Mother Nature and her immense power when she decides to bring the brute force to bear against our also reminds us to be thankful for what we have, reminds us to be thoughtful and concerned about all those who directly and indirectly are involved in our lives...think the six degrees of separation. 
In my own small hamlet (we are a small group of people in downtown Mountaindale) we all pitched in, dealt with the crisis at hand by pulling together, pooling our resources and supplies so that we all got through the storm with as little impact as possible.  Kelsey and Mark's kitchen became the hub of what one can only call a village.  Cooking and a few Coleman lanterns for light kept the cold nights at bay, their small apartment warm, welcoming and cozy.  Judd who lives upstairs from our only local bar went out during the power outage in search of ice, returning home with eight bags full when he got lucky and saw an ice truck pulling into a convenience store miles from home.  Others took their chain saws and went out in search of wood, clearing roads and bringing home some much needed firewood for the fire ring out in the backyard, the evening campfires lifting peoples spirits.
The storm was harsh, but through community, everyone made it through, and now with the electric back on and life returning to normal we all have recieved a special gift...we all know and appreciate each other a bit more now than before the storm.
Time to grab my camera and go for a nice long walk on this beautiful day after the storm.